4 build_source : "script"
5 compil_script : $name + $VARS.scriptExtension
9 # Python is a mandatory part of current used Linux platforms, no need to check its presence therefore.
10 # As version of Python 3.x differs on each of them, a better solution would to eventually check the binary presence.
18 env_script : $name + ".py"
22 source_dir : $APPLICATION.workdir + $VARS.sep + 'SOURCES' + $VARS.sep + $name
23 build_dir : $APPLICATION.workdir + $VARS.sep + 'BUILD' + $VARS.sep + $name
28 compile_and_runtime : "yes"
34 patches : ["Python_zlib_detection.patch", "Python_SSL.patch"]
39 patches : ['Python-2.7.10-ssl.patch']
49 compil_script : "Python-3.6.5.bat"
50 patches : ['Python-3.6.5_windows.patch']
59 compil_script : "Python-3.7.9.bat"
61 build_depend : ['perl']