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1 vtkAbstractMapper3D                   GetBounds                         307  6
2 vtkAbstractMapper3D                   GetCenter                         307  3
3 vtkAbstractTransform                  TransformDoubleNormalAtPoint      307  3
4 vtkAbstractTransform                  TransformDoublePoint              307  3
5 vtkAbstractTransform                  TransformDoubleVectorAtPoint      307  3
6 vtkAbstractTransform                  TransformFloatNormalAtPoint       301  3
7 vtkAbstractTransform                  TransformFloatPoint               301  3
8 vtkAbstractTransform                  TransformFloatVectorAtPoint       301  3
9 vtkAbstractTransform                  TransformNormalAtPoint            307  3
10 vtkAbstractTransform                  TransformPoint                    307  3
11 vtkAbstractTransform                  TransformVectorAtPoint            307  3
12 vtkAbstractVolumeMapper               GetBounds                         307  6
13 vtkActor                              GetBounds                         307  6
14 vtkAlgorithm                          GetUpdateExtent                   304  6
15 vtkAnnotatedCubeActor                 GetBounds                         307  6
16 vtkAssembly                           GetBounds                         307  6
17 vtkAxesActor                          GetBounds                         307  6
18 vtkAxisActor                          GetBounds                         307  6
19 vtkBoxRepresentation                  GetBounds                         307  6
20 vtkCamera                             GetOrientation                    307  3
21 vtkCamera                             GetOrientationWXYZ                307  4
22 vtkCell                               GetBounds                         307  6
23 vtkCharArray                          GetValueRange                     303  2
24 vtkColorTransferFunction              GetColor                          307  3
25 vtkCompositePolyDataMapper2           GetBounds                         307  6
26 vtkCompositePolyDataMapper            GetBounds                         307  6
27 vtkCoordinate                         GetComputedDisplayValue           304  2
28 vtkCoordinate                         GetComputedDoubleDisplayValue     307  2
29 vtkCoordinate                         GetComputedDoubleViewportValue    307  2
30 vtkCoordinate                         GetComputedLocalDisplayValue      304  2
31 vtkCoordinate                         GetComputedViewportValue          304  2
32 vtkCoordinate                         GetComputedWorldValue             307  3
33 vtkCubeAxesActor2D                    GetBounds                         307  6
34 vtkCubeAxesActor2D                    GetRanges                         307  6
35 vtkCubeAxesActor                      GetBounds                         307  6
36 vtkDataArray                          GetRange                          307  2
37 vtkDataArray                          GetTuple2                         307  2
38 vtkDataArray                          GetTuple3                         307  3
39 vtkDataArray                          GetTuple4                         307  4
40 vtkDataArray                          GetTuple9                         307  9
41 vtkDataObject                         GetUpdateExtent                   304  6
42 vtkDataObject                         GetWholeBoundingBox               307  6
43 vtkDataObject                         GetWholeExtent                    304  6
44 vtkDataSet                            GetBounds                         307  6
45 vtkDataSet                            GetCenter                         307  3
46 vtkDataSet                            GetPoint                          307  3
47 vtkDataSet                            GetScalarRange                    307  2
48 vtkDICOMImageReader                   GetImageOrientationPatient        301  6
49 vtkDICOMImageReader                   GetImagePositionPatient           301  3
50 vtkDICOMImageReader                   GetPixelSpacing                   307  3
51 vtkDirectionEncoder                   GetDecodedGradient                301  3
52 vtkDistanceRepresentation             GetPoint1WorldPosition            307  3
53 vtkDistanceRepresentation             GetPoint2WorldPosition            307  3
54 vtkDoubleArray                        GetValueRange                     307  2
55 vtkExtentSplitter                     GetSubExtent                      304  6
56 vtkExtractUnstructuredGrid            GetExtent                         307  6
57 vtkFloatArray                         GetValueRange                     301  2
58 vtkFunctionParser                     GetVectorResult                   307  3
59 vtkFunctionParser                     GetVectorVariableValue            307  3
60 vtkGeometryFilter                     GetExtent                         307  6
61 vtkGraph                              GetEdgePoint                      307  3
62 vtkGraphMapper                        GetBounds                         307  6
63 vtkGridSynchronizedTemplates3D        GetExecuteExtent                  304  6
64 vtkHandleRepresentation               GetDisplayPosition                307  3
65 vtkHandleRepresentation               GetWorldPosition                  307  3
66 vtkHexahedron                         GetEdgeArray                      304  2
67 vtkHexahedron                         GetFaceArray                      304  4
68 vtkHyperOctree                        GetPoint                          307  3
69 vtkHyperStreamline                    GetStartPosition                  307  3
70 vtkIDTypeArray                        GetValueRange                     30A  2
71 vtkImageAccumulate                    GetComponentExtent                304  6
72 vtkImageActor                         GetBounds                         307  6
73 vtkImageActor                         GetDisplayExtent                  304  6
74 vtkImageButterworthHighPass           GetCutOff                         307  3
75 vtkImageButterworthLowPass            GetCutOff                         307  3
76 vtkImageClip                          GetOutputWholeExtent              304  6
77 vtkImageConvolve                      GetKernel3x3                      301  9
78 vtkImageConvolve                      GetKernel3x3x3                    301  27
79 vtkImageConvolve                      GetKernel5x5                      301  25
80 vtkImageData                          GetDimensions                     304  3
81 vtkImageData                          GetExtent                         304  6
82 vtkImageData                          GetIncrements                     30A  3
83 vtkImageData                          GetPoint                          307  3
84 vtkImageEllipsoidSource               GetWholeExtent                    304  6
85 vtkImageExport                        GetDataDimensions                 304  3
86 vtkImageExport                        GetDataExtent                     304  6
87 vtkImageExport                        GetDataOrigin                     307  3
88 vtkImageExport                        GetDataSpacing                    307  3
89 vtkImageMandelbrotSource              GetSizeCX                         307  4
90 vtkImagePadFilter                     GetOutputWholeExtent              304  6
91 vtkImagePlaneWidget                   GetCenter                         307  3
92 vtkImagePlaneWidget                   GetNormal                         307  3
93 vtkImagePlaneWidget                   GetOrigin                         307  3
94 vtkImagePlaneWidget                   GetPoint1                         307  3
95 vtkImagePlaneWidget                   GetPoint2                         307  3
96 vtkImageReslice                       GetResliceAxesDirectionCosines    307  9
97 vtkImageReslice                       GetResliceAxesOrigin              307  3
98 vtkImageSincInterpolator              GetBlurFactors                    307  3
99 vtkImageSource                        GetExecuteExtent                  304  6
100 vtkImageSpatialAlgorithm              GetKernelMiddle                   304  3
101 vtkImageSpatialAlgorithm              GetKernelSize                     304  3
102 vtkImageSpatialFilter                 GetKernelMiddle                   304  3
103 vtkImageSpatialFilter                 GetKernelSize                     304  3
104 vtkImageTracerWidget                  GetHandlePosition                 307  3
105 vtkImageVectorConvolve                GetKernel                         301  3
106 vtkImageViewer                        GetPosition                       304  2
107 vtkImageViewer                        GetSize                           304  2
108 vtkImplicitFunction                   FunctionGradient                  307  3
109 vtkImplicitPlaneRepresentation        GetBounds                         307  6
110 vtkImplicitPlaneRepresentation        GetNormal                         307  3
111 vtkImplicitPlaneRepresentation        GetOrigin                         307  3
112 vtkImplicitPlaneWidget                GetNormal                         307  3
113 vtkImplicitPlaneWidget                GetOrigin                         307  3
114 vtk__Int64Array                       GetValueRange                     30C  2
115 vtkIntArray                           GetValueRange                     304  2
116 vtkKdNode                             GetMaxBounds                      307  3
117 vtkKdNode                             GetMaxDataBounds                  307  3
118 vtkKdNode                             GetMinBounds                      307  3
119 vtkKdNode                             GetMinDataBounds                  307  3
120 vtkLegendBoxActor                     GetEntryColor                     307  3
121 vtkLight                              GetColor                          307  3
122 vtkLight                              GetTransformedFocalPoint          307  3
123 vtkLight                              GetTransformedPosition            307  3
124 vtkLinearTransform                    TransformDoubleNormal             307  3
125 vtkLinearTransform                    TransformDoubleVector             307  3
126 vtkLinearTransform                    TransformFloatNormal              301  3
127 vtkLinearTransform                    TransformFloatVector              301  3
128 vtkLinearTransform                    TransformNormal                   307  3
129 vtkLinearTransform                    TransformVector                   307  3
130 vtkLineRepresentation                 GetBounds                         307  6
131 vtkLineRepresentation                 GetPoint1DisplayPosition          307  3
132 vtkLineRepresentation                 GetPoint1WorldPosition            307  3
133 vtkLineRepresentation                 GetPoint2DisplayPosition          307  3
134 vtkLineRepresentation                 GetPoint2WorldPosition            307  3
135 vtkLineWidget                         GetPoint1                         307  3
136 vtkLineWidget                         GetPoint2                         307  3
137 vtkLODProp3D                          GetBounds                         307  6
138 vtkLongArray                          GetValueRange                     306  2
139 vtkLongLongArray                      GetValueRange                     30B  2
140 vtkLookupTable                        GetColor                          307  3
141 vtkLookupTable                        GetRange                          307  2
142 vtkLookupTable                        GetTableValue                     307  4
143 vtkMapper                             GetBounds                         307  6
144 vtkMath                               HSVToRGB                          2307 3
145 vtkMath                               RGBToHSV                          2307 3
146 vtkMath                               SolveCubic                        2307 5
147 vtkMath                               SolveLinear                       2307 3
148 vtkMath                               SolveQuadratic                    2307 4
149 vtkMatrix4x4                          MultiplyDoublePoint               307  4
150 vtkMatrix4x4                          MultiplyFloatPoint                301  4
151 vtkMatrix4x4                          MultiplyPoint                     301  4
152 vtkMedicalImageProperties             GetNthWindowLevelPreset           307  2
153 vtkMedicalImageProperties             GetWindowLevelPreset              307  2
154 vtkMINCImageReader                    GetDataRange                      307  2
155 vtkPainterPolyDataMapper              GetBounds                         307  6
156 vtkParallelopipedRepresentation       GetBounds                         307  6
157 vtkPiecewiseFunction                  GetRange                          307  2
158 vtkPlaneWidget                        GetCenter                         307  3
159 vtkPlaneWidget                        GetNormal                         307  3
160 vtkPlaneWidget                        GetOrigin                         307  3
161 vtkPlaneWidget                        GetPoint1                         307  3
162 vtkPlaneWidget                        GetPoint2                         307  3
163 vtkPointHandleRepresentation2D        GetBounds                         307  6
164 vtkPointHandleRepresentation3D        GetBounds                         307  6
165 vtkPointSet                           GetPoint                          307  3
166 vtkPoints                             GetBounds                         307  6
167 vtkPoints                             GetPoint                          307  3
168 vtkPointWidget                        GetPosition                       307  3
169 vtkPolyData                           GetUpdateExtent                   304  6
170 vtkPolyDataMapper                     GetBounds                         307  6
171 vtkPolygon                            ConvertEllipseToImplicit          307  5
172 vtkPolygon                            FitEllipse                        307  6
173 vtkPolyLine                           ConvertEllipseToImplicit          307  5
174 vtkPolyLine                           EllipseToImplicit                 307  3
175 vtkPolyLine                           FitEllipse                        307  6
176 vtkProjectedPolyDataRayBounder        GetRayBounds                      301  2
177 vtkProp3D                             GetBounds                         307  6
178 vtkProp3D                             GetCenter                         307  3
179 vtkProp3D                             GetOrientation                    307  3
180 vtkProp3D                             GetOrientationWXYZ                307  4
181 vtkProp3D                             GetXRange                         307  2
182 vtkProp3D                             GetYRange                         307  2
183 vtkProp3D                             GetZRange                         307  2
184 vtkPropAssembly                       GetBounds                         307  6
185 vtkProperty                           GetColor                          307  3
186 vtkProp                               GetBounds                         307  6
187 vtkPyramid                            GetEdgeArray                      304  2
188 vtkPyramid                            GetFaceArray                      304  4
189 vtkQuadricClustering                  GetNumberOfDivisions              304  3
190 vtkRayCaster                          GetParallelIncrements             301  2
191 vtkRayCaster                          GetParallelStartPosition          301  3
192 vtkRectilinearGrid                    GetExtent                         304  6
193 vtkRectilinearGrid                    GetPoint                          307  3
194 vtkRecursiveSphereDirectionEncoder    GetDecodedGradient                301  3
195 vtkRenderer                           ComputeVisiblePropBounds          307  6
196 vtkScalarsToColors                    GetColor                          307  3
197 vtkScalarsToColors                    GetRange                          307  2
198 vtkShortArray                         GetValueRange                     305  2
199 vtkSignedCharArray                    GetValueRange                     30D  2
200 vtkSliderRepresentation3D             GetBounds                         307  6
201 vtkSphereHandleRepresentation         GetBounds                         307  6
202 vtkSphereRepresentation               GetCenter                         307  3
203 vtkSphereWidget                       GetCenter                         307  3
204 vtkSphericalDirectionEncoder          GetDecodedGradient                301  3
205 vtkSplineWidget                       GetHandlePosition                 307  3
206 vtkStreamer                           GetStartPosition                  307  3
207 vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline      GetWholeExtent                    304  6
208 vtkStructuredGrid                     GetDimensions                     304  3
209 vtkStructuredGrid                     GetExtent                         304  6
210 vtkStructuredGrid                     GetPoint                          307  3
211 vtkStructuredGrid                     GetScalarRange                    307  2
212 vtkStructuredPointsGeometryFilter     GetExtent                         304  6
213 vtkSynchronizedTemplates3D            GetExecuteExtent                  304  6
214 vtkTetra                              GetEdgeArray                      304  2
215 vtkTetra                              GetFaceArray                      304  3
216 vtkTextActor3D                        GetBounds                         307  6
217 vtkTransform                          GetDoublePoint                    307  4
218 vtkTransform                          GetOrientation                    307  3
219 vtkTransform                          GetOrientationWXYZ                307  4
220 vtkTransform                          GetPoint                          307  4
221 vtkTransform                          GetPosition                       307  3
222 vtkTransform                          GetScale                          307  3
223 vtkTypeInt64Array                     GetValueRange                     30B  2
224 vtkTypeInt64Array                     GetValueRange                     30C  2
225 vtkTypeUInt64Array                    GetValueRange                     31B  2
226 vtkTypeUInt64Array                    GetValueRange                     31C  2
227 vtkUnsignedCharArray                  GetValueRange                     313  2
228 vtkUnsigned__Int64Array               GetValueRange                     31C  2
229 vtkUnsignedIntArray                   GetValueRange                     314  2
230 vtkUnsignedLongArray                  GetValueRange                     316  2
231 vtkUnsignedLongLongArray              GetValueRange                     31B  2
232 vtkUnsignedShortArray                 GetValueRange                     315  2
233 vtkUnstructuredGrid                   GetUpdateExtent                   304  6
234 vtkViewport                           GetCenter                         307  2
235 vtkViewport                           GetOrigin                         304  2
236 vtkViewport                           GetSize                           304  2
237 vtkViewRays                           GetParallelIncrements             301  2
238 vtkViewRays                           GetParallelStartPosition          301  3
239 vtkVolume                             GetBounds                         307  6
240 vtkVolumeMapper                       GetBounds                         307  6
241 vtkVoxel                              GetEdgeArray                      304  2
242 vtkVoxel                              GetFaceArray                      304  4
243 vtkWarpLens                           GetCenter                         307  2
244 vtkWedge                              GetEdgeArray                      304  2
245 vtkWedge                              GetFaceArray                      304  4
246 vtkWidgetRepresentation               GetBounds                         307  6
247 vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow            GetPosition                       304  2
248 vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow            GetSize                           304  2
249 vtkWindow                             GetPosition                       304  2
250 vtkWindow                             GetSize                           304  2
251 vtkWindowLevelLookupTable             GetMaximumTableValue              307  4
252 vtkWindowLevelLookupTable             GetMinimumTableValue              307  4
253 vtkXImageWindow                       GetPosition                       304  2
254 vtkXImageWindow                       GetSize                           304  2
255 vtkXRenderWindow                      GetPosition                       304  2
256 vtkXRenderWindow                      GetScreenSize                     304  2
257 vtkXRenderWindow                      GetSize                           304  2
258 vtkXYPlotActor                        GetPlotColor                      307  3