2 # Generated python file of Graph GraphSyrControlDefault
6 # Graph creation of GraphSyrControlDefault
7 def DefGraphSyrControlDefault() :
8 GraphSyrControlDefault = Graph( 'GraphSyrControlDefault' )
9 GraphSyrControlDefault.SetName( 'GraphSyrControlDefault' )
10 GraphSyrControlDefault.SetAuthor( 'JR' )
11 GraphSyrControlDefault.SetComment( 'Syracuse algorithm' )
12 GraphSyrControlDefault.Coords( 0 , 0 )
14 # Creation of Factory Nodes
16 test_ISEVEN = GraphSyrControlDefault.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISEVEN' )
17 test_ISEVEN.SetName( 'test_ISEVEN' )
18 test_ISEVEN.SetAuthor( '' )
19 test_ISEVEN.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
20 test_ISEVEN.SetComment( 'C_ISEVEN from SyrComponent' )
21 test_ISEVEN.Coords( 204 , 444 )
22 Itest_ISEVENanInteger = test_ISEVEN.GetInPort( 'anInteger' )
23 Itest_ISEVENGate = test_ISEVEN.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
24 Otest_ISEVENBoolEven = test_ISEVEN.GetOutPort( 'BoolEven' )
25 Otest_ISEVENGate = test_ISEVEN.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
27 test_ISONE = GraphSyrControlDefault.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_ISONE' )
28 test_ISONE.SetName( 'test_ISONE' )
29 test_ISONE.SetAuthor( '' )
30 test_ISONE.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
31 test_ISONE.SetComment( 'C_ISONE from SyrComponent' )
32 test_ISONE.Coords( 201 , 52 )
33 Itest_ISONEanInteger = test_ISONE.GetInPort( 'anInteger' )
34 Itest_ISONEGate = test_ISONE.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
35 Otest_ISONEBoolOne = test_ISONE.GetOutPort( 'BoolOne' )
36 Otest_ISONEGate = test_ISONE.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
38 m3p1 = GraphSyrControlDefault.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_M3P1' )
39 m3p1.SetName( 'm3p1' )
41 m3p1.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
42 m3p1.SetComment( 'C_M3P1 from SyrComponent' )
43 m3p1.Coords( 806 , 19 )
44 Im3p1anOddInteger = m3p1.GetInPort( 'anOddInteger' )
45 Im3p1Gate = m3p1.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
46 Om3p1anEvenInteger = m3p1.GetOutPort( 'anEvenInteger' )
47 Om3p1Gate = m3p1.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
49 div2 = GraphSyrControlDefault.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_DIV2' )
50 div2.SetName( 'div2' )
52 div2.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
53 div2.SetComment( 'C_DIV2 from SyrComponent' )
54 div2.Coords( 803 , 451 )
55 Idiv2anEvenInteger = div2.GetInPort( 'anEvenInteger' )
56 Idiv2Gate = div2.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
57 Odiv2anInteger = div2.GetOutPort( 'anInteger' )
58 Odiv2Gate = div2.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
60 incr = GraphSyrControlDefault.FNode( 'SyrComponent' , 'SyrComponent' , 'C_INCR' )
61 incr.SetName( 'incr' )
63 incr.SetContainer( 'localhost/FactoryServer' )
64 incr.SetComment( 'C_INCR from SyrComponent' )
65 incr.Coords( 802 , 170 )
66 IincraCount = incr.GetInPort( 'aCount' )
67 IincrGate = incr.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
68 OincraNewCount = incr.GetOutPort( 'aNewCount' )
69 OincrGate = incr.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
71 # Creation of InLine Nodes
73 Pylabel_begin.append( 'def label_begin( NB , KB ):' )
74 Pylabel_begin.append( ' print "label_begin",NB,KB' )
75 Pylabel_begin.append( ' return NB,KB' )
76 label_begin = GraphSyrControlDefault.INode( 'label_begin' , Pylabel_begin )
77 label_begin.SetName( 'label_begin' )
78 label_begin.SetAuthor( '' )
79 label_begin.SetComment( 'Python function' )
80 label_begin.Coords( 12 , 264 )
81 Ilabel_beginNB = label_begin.InPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
82 Ilabel_beginKB = label_begin.InPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
83 Ilabel_beginGate = label_begin.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
84 Olabel_beginNT = label_begin.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
85 Olabel_beginKT = label_begin.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
86 Olabel_beginGate = label_begin.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
89 Pylabel_test.append( 'def label_test( ValEven , ValOne , NB , KB ):' )
90 Pylabel_test.append( ' print "label_begin",ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB' )
91 Pylabel_test.append( ' return ValEven,ValOne,NB,KB' )
92 label_test = GraphSyrControlDefault.INode( 'label_test' , Pylabel_test )
93 label_test.SetName( 'label_test' )
94 label_test.SetAuthor( '' )
95 label_test.SetComment( 'Python function' )
96 label_test.Coords( 415 , 206 )
97 Ilabel_testValEven = label_test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
98 Ilabel_testValOne = label_test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
99 Ilabel_testNT = label_test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
100 Ilabel_testKT = label_test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
101 Ilabel_testGate = label_test.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
102 Olabel_testValEven = label_test.OutPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
103 Olabel_testValOne = label_test.OutPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
104 Olabel_testNT = label_test.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
105 Olabel_testKT = label_test.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
106 Olabel_testGate = label_test.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
108 # Creation of Switch Nodes
110 Pytest.append( 'def Switch_OneEven( ValOne , ValEven , NT , KT ) :' )
111 Pytest.append( ' Finished = ValOne' )
112 Pytest.append( ' if Finished == 0 :' )
113 Pytest.append( ' Incr = 1' )
114 Pytest.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
115 Pytest.append( ' if Even == 0 :' )
116 Pytest.append( ' Odd = 1' )
117 Pytest.append( ' else :' )
118 Pytest.append( ' Odd = 0' )
119 Pytest.append( ' else :' )
120 Pytest.append( ' Incr = 0' )
121 Pytest.append( ' Even = 0' )
122 Pytest.append( ' Odd = 0' )
123 Pytest.append( ' Even = ValEven' )
124 Pytest.append( ' return Incr,Even,Odd,NT,KT' )
125 test,EndSwitch_OneEven = GraphSyrControlDefault.SNode( 'Switch_OneEven' , Pytest )
126 EndSwitch_OneEven.SetName( 'EndSwitch_OneEven' )
127 EndSwitch_OneEven.SetAuthor( '' )
128 EndSwitch_OneEven.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
129 EndSwitch_OneEven.Coords( 1074 , 367 )
130 PyEndSwitch_OneEven = []
131 EndSwitch_OneEven.SetPyFunction( '' , PyEndSwitch_OneEven )
132 IEndSwitch_OneEvenK = EndSwitch_OneEven.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
133 IEndSwitch_OneEvenDefault = EndSwitch_OneEven.GetInPort( 'Default' )
134 OEndSwitch_OneEvenK = EndSwitch_OneEven.OutPort( 'K' , 'long' )
135 OEndSwitch_OneEvenGate = EndSwitch_OneEven.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
136 test.SetName( 'test' )
138 test.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
139 test.Coords( 597 , 251 )
140 ItestValOne = test.InPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
141 ItestValEven = test.InPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
142 ItestNT = test.InPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
143 ItestKT = test.InPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
144 ItestGate = test.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
145 OtestIncr = test.OutPort( 'Incr' , 'long' )
146 OtestEven = test.OutPort( 'Even' , 'long' )
147 OtestOdd = test.OutPort( 'Odd' , 'long' )
148 OtestN = test.OutPort( 'N' , 'long' )
149 OtestK = test.OutPort( 'K' , 'long' )
150 OtestDefault = test.GetOutPort( 'Default' )
152 # Creation of GOTO Nodes
154 Pycontrol_m3p1.append( 'def control_m3p1( N , K ):' )
155 Pycontrol_m3p1.append( ' return 0,1,N,K' )
156 control_m3p1 = GraphSyrControlDefault.GNode( 'control_m3p1' , Pycontrol_m3p1 , 'label_test' )
157 control_m3p1.SetName( 'control_m3p1' )
158 control_m3p1.SetAuthor( '' )
159 control_m3p1.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
160 control_m3p1.Coords( 1002 , 64 )
161 Icontrol_m3p1N = control_m3p1.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
162 Icontrol_m3p1K = control_m3p1.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
163 Icontrol_m3p1Gate = control_m3p1.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
164 Ocontrol_m3p1ValOne = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValOne' , 'long' )
165 Ocontrol_m3p1ValEven = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'ValEven' , 'long' )
166 Ocontrol_m3p1NT = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'NT' , 'long' )
167 Ocontrol_m3p1KT = control_m3p1.OutPort( 'KT' , 'long' )
168 Ocontrol_m3p1Gate = control_m3p1.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
171 Pycontrol_div2.append( 'def control_div2( N , NB ) :' )
172 Pycontrol_div2.append( ' return N,NB' )
173 control_div2 = GraphSyrControlDefault.GNode( 'control_div2' , Pycontrol_div2 , 'label_begin' )
174 control_div2.SetName( 'control_div2' )
175 control_div2.SetAuthor( '' )
176 control_div2.SetComment( 'Compute Node' )
177 control_div2.Coords( 1013 , 496 )
178 Icontrol_div2N = control_div2.InPort( 'N' , 'long' )
179 Icontrol_div2K = control_div2.InPort( 'K' , 'long' )
180 Icontrol_div2Gate = control_div2.GetInPort( 'Gate' )
181 Ocontrol_div2NB = control_div2.OutPort( 'NB' , 'long' )
182 Ocontrol_div2KB = control_div2.OutPort( 'KB' , 'long' )
183 Ocontrol_div2Gate = control_div2.GetOutPort( 'Gate' )
186 Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Otest_ISEVENBoolEven , Ilabel_testValEven )
187 Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven.AddCoord( 1 , 381 , 286 )
188 Ltest_ISEVENBoolEvenlabel_testValEven.AddCoord( 2 , 382 , 524 )
190 Ltest_ISONEBoolOnelabel_testValOne = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Otest_ISONEBoolOne , Ilabel_testValOne )
191 Ltest_ISONEBoolOnelabel_testValOne.AddCoord( 1 , 393 , 314 )
192 Ltest_ISONEBoolOnelabel_testValOne.AddCoord( 2 , 393 , 133 )
194 Lm3p1anEvenIntegercontrol_m3p1N = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Om3p1anEvenInteger , Icontrol_m3p1N )
196 Ldiv2anIntegercontrol_div2N = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Odiv2anInteger , Icontrol_div2N )
198 LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OincraNewCount , Icontrol_m3p1K )
199 LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K.AddCoord( 1 , 985 , 128 )
200 LincraNewCountcontrol_m3p1K.AddCoord( 2 , 985 , 250 )
202 LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OincraNewCount , Icontrol_div2K )
203 LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K.AddCoord( 1 , 987 , 559 )
204 LincraNewCountcontrol_div2K.AddCoord( 2 , 985 , 250 )
206 Llabel_beginNTlabel_testNT = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Ilabel_testNT )
208 Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Itest_ISEVENanInteger )
209 Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 191 , 524 )
210 Llabel_beginNTtest_ISEVENanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 192 , 345 )
212 Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_beginNT , Itest_ISONEanInteger )
213 Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 192 , 131 )
214 Llabel_beginNTtest_ISONEanInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 193 , 345 )
216 Llabel_beginKTlabel_testKT = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_beginKT , Ilabel_testKT )
218 Llabel_testValEventestValEven = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_testValEven , ItestValEven )
220 Llabel_testValOnetestValOne = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_testValOne , ItestValOne )
222 Llabel_testNTtestNT = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_testNT , ItestNT )
224 Llabel_testKTtestKT = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Olabel_testKT , ItestKT )
226 LtestEvendiv2Gate = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OtestEven , Idiv2Gate )
227 LtestEvendiv2Gate.AddCoord( 1 , 793 , 567 )
228 LtestEvendiv2Gate.AddCoord( 2 , 792 , 314 )
230 LtestOddm3p1Gate = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OtestOdd , Im3p1Gate )
231 LtestOddm3p1Gate.AddCoord( 1 , 786 , 132 )
232 LtestOddm3p1Gate.AddCoord( 2 , 785 , 343 )
234 LtestNm3p1anOddInteger = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OtestN , Im3p1anOddInteger )
235 LtestNm3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 767 , 100 )
236 LtestNm3p1anOddInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 767 , 371 )
238 LtestNdiv2anEvenInteger = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OtestN , Idiv2anEvenInteger )
239 LtestNdiv2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 1 , 768 , 531 )
240 LtestNdiv2anEvenInteger.AddCoord( 2 , 767 , 371 )
242 LtestKEndSwitch_OneEvenK = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OtestK , IEndSwitch_OneEvenK )
244 LtestKincraCount = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OtestK , IincraCount )
245 LtestKincraCount.AddCoord( 1 , 773 , 251 )
246 LtestKincraCount.AddCoord( 2 , 774 , 400 )
248 LtestDefaultEndSwitch_OneEvenDefault = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( OtestDefault , IEndSwitch_OneEvenDefault )
250 Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Ocontrol_m3p1Gate , Ilabel_testGate )
251 Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 1 , 402 , 406 )
252 Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 2 , 403 , 4 )
253 Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1174 , 5 )
254 Lcontrol_m3p1Gatelabel_testGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1175 , 219 )
256 Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate = GraphSyrControlDefault.Link( Ocontrol_div2Gate , Ilabel_beginGate )
257 Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 1 , 3 , 409 )
258 Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 2 , 2 , 671 )
259 Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 3 , 1199 , 670 )
260 Lcontrol_div2Gatelabel_beginGate.AddCoord( 4 , 1198 , 592 )
263 Ilabel_beginNB.Input( 7 )
264 Ilabel_beginKB.Input( 0 )
266 # Output Ports of the graph
267 #OtestIncr = test.GetOutPort( 'Incr' )
268 #OEndSwitch_OneEvenK = EndSwitch_OneEven.GetOutPort( 'K' )
269 return GraphSyrControlDefault
272 GraphSyrControlDefault = DefGraphSyrControlDefault()