6 YACSGEN: SALOME module generator
7 ==================================================
9 YACSGEN is a python package (module_generator) that automatically fabricates a SALOME module starting
10 from a synthetic description of the components that it will contain. This description is made in the python language.
12 YACSGEN includes since version 6.5 the HXX2SALOME functionalities, and is therefore able to also generate the
13 implementation of C++ dataflow components.
15 The characteristics of these components are not general but they should facilitate integration of many scientific
16 calculation components.
19 -----------------------------------------------------------------
20 It is a module (named YACSGEN) in the SALOME CVS TOOLS base that is distributed with main SALOME modules.
22 Supported versions and architectures
23 -----------------------------------------------------------------
24 YACSGEN needs a Python version >= 2.4 and < 3.0. It runs on a 32-bit and 64-bit
28 ----------------------------
29 If you get the source archive, simply decompress and untar the archive (YACSGEN-x.y.tar.gz)
30 and add the directory thus created to PYTHONPATH. YACSGEN is also provided with binaries installation of SALOME.
32 Description of a SALOME module
33 --------------------------------------------------------
34 A SALOME module is described using Python instructions and definitions contained in the Python module_generator package.
36 The first action to be done is to import these definitions::
38 from module_generator import Generator,Module,PYComponent
39 from module_generator import CPPComponent,Service,F77Component
41 If you want to import all definitions, you can do that::
43 from module_generator import *
45 A SALOME module is described by giving its name <modulename> together with the list of its
46 components (<components list>) and the name of the directory in which it will be installed (<prefix>).
48 Its description is in the following form::
50 m=Module(<modulename>,components=<components list>,prefix=<prefix>)
52 The statement for a module named "mymodule" with a component c1 (see below for a description of components) that
53 will be installed in the "Install" directory will be::
55 m=Module("mymodule",components=[c1],prefix="Install")
57 Description of components
58 ------------------------------------------------
59 Several types of components can be created:
66 All these types have a similar description. We will begin with the C++ type and then describe the main differences for the other types.
69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
70 Firstly, a C++ component has a name. This name will be used subsequently when it is required to create instances of this component.
71 Once compiled and installed, the SALOME module will contain a dynamic library named lib<compo>Engine.so, in which <compo> is the component name.
72 A C++ component is implemented as a remote executable C++ object.
74 A C++ component has one or several services. Each service has a name that is the name of the method of the C++ object
75 that corresponds to the component. Each service may have input and output dataflow ports and input and output datastream ports.
77 A first service with dataflow ports
78 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
79 The only possible types for dataflow ports for the moment are:
81 - double: scalar equivalent to a C double
82 - long: scalar equivalent to a C long
83 - string: equivalent to a C char* (character string with arbitrary length)
85 - dblevec: doubles vector
86 - stringvec: strings vector
87 - intvec: longs vector
88 - pyobj: python object serialised with pickle (only works with components implemented in Python).
90 A port is described by a python tuple with length 2, the first value is the name of the port and the second value is the type name.
91 Input ports are described by a list of these tuples as well as the output ports.
93 A small example is better than a long description. A component named “mycompo” with a service named “myservice” which has
94 an input dataflow port named “inputport” of the double type and an output data flow port with name “outputport” of the double
95 type will have the following description::
98 c1=CPPComponent("mycompo",
101 inport=[("inputport","double"),],
102 outport=[("outputport","double")],
107 c1 is an intermediate Python variable that will be used to describe the list of components of a
108 module: (components=[c1]) for a module with a single component.
110 In fact, this component is not particularly useful because during execution, it will take a double at the input to the
111 execution and will provide a double at the output from the execution, but it does nothing in the meantime.
112 Therefore, a content has to be added to it. This content will be specified in two service attributes, **defs** and **body**.
114 - defs will contain the C++ definition code (for example, #include<iostream>)
115 - body will contain the C++ code that will be executed between the input and the output (for example, outputport=2*inputport).
117 The final description becomes::
119 c1=CPPComponent("mycompo",
122 inport=[("inputport","double"),],
123 outport=[("outputport","double")],
124 defs="#include <iostream>",
125 body="outputport=2*inputport;",
130 Adding datastream ports to the service
131 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
132 Datastream ports are added to the “myservice” service by adding **instream** and **outstream** attributes to the description.
133 These attributes must be lists of triplets with the following elements:
137 3. the time (“T”) or iteration (“I”) dependency mode (refer to :ref:`calcium` for further details)
139 Possible types are “CALCIUM_double”, “CALCIUM_integer”, "CALCIUM_long", “CALCIUM_real”, “CALCIUM_string”, “CALCIUM_logical” and “CALCIUM_complex”.
141 The description for an input datastream port and an output port in time dependency becomes::
143 c1=CPPComponent("mycompo",
146 inport=[("inputport","double"),],
147 outport=[("outputport","double")],
148 instream=[("porta","CALCIUM_double","T")],
149 outstream=[("portb","CALCIUM_double","T")],
150 defs="#include <iostream>",
151 body="ouputport=2*inputport;",
156 Obviously, calls to the CALCIUM library have to be added into body to make the service genuinely functional.
158 Adding a second service to the component
159 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
160 If a second service has to be added for the component, simply add another service description::
162 c1=CPPComponent("mycompo",
165 inport=[("inputport","double"),],
166 outport=[("outputport","double")],
167 instream=[("porta","CALCIUM_double","T")],
168 outstream=[("portb","CALCIUM_double","T")],
169 defs="#include <iostream>",
170 body="ouputport=2*inputport;",
173 inport=[("a","double"),("b","long")],
174 outport=[("c","double")],
180 In this description, a second service name “serv2” has been added with 2 input dataflow ports (a and b) and an output dataflow port (c).
181 The service is reduced to its simplest expression: it returns the product of its 2 inputs.
183 Link with external libraries
184 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
185 We have seen that the **defs** and **body** attributes are sufficient to define the body of the service but it is often more practical
186 to use external libraries rather than put everything into these 2 attributes. This is possible provided that everything necessary
187 for the component link step is indicated in the **libs** and **rlibs** attributes of the component.
189 For example, we can have::
192 c1=CPPComponent("mycompo",
195 inport=[("inputport","double"),],
196 outport=[("outputport","double")],
197 defs="extern double myfunc(double);",
198 body="outputport=myfunc(inputport);",
201 libs="-L/usr/local/mysoft -lmybib",
202 rlibs="-Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/mysoft"
205 The **rlibs** attribute is not compulsory but it can be used to indicate a search path for dynamic libraries in execution.
206 **libs** is used during the link phase. **rlibs** is only used during execution, it avoids the need to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
207 environment variable to find the dynamic library.
210 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
211 Includes will be added using the **defs** attribute. For example::
213 defs="""#include "myinclude.h" """
215 The includes path will be specified in the **includes** attribute of the component in the following form::
218 defs="""#include "myinclude.h"
219 extern double myfunc(double);
221 c1=CPPComponent("mycompo",
224 inport=[("inputport","double"),],
225 outport=[("outputport","double")],
227 body="outputport=myfunc(inputport);",
230 libs="-L/usr/local/mysoft -lmybib",
231 rlibs="-Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/mysoft",
232 includes="-I/usr/local/mysoft/include",
236 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
237 It is possible to add some source files with the **sources** attribute (a list of source files will be given).
239 For example, instead of using an external library, we could implement the function myfunc in a file
240 named myfunc.cpp. The description will be::
242 defs="""#include "myinclude.h"
243 extern double myfunc(double);
245 c1=CPPComponent("mycompo",
248 inport=[("inputport","double"),],
249 outport=[("outputport","double")],
251 body="outputport=myfunc(inputport);",
254 sources=["myfunc.cpp"],
255 includes="-I/usr/local/mysoft/include",
259 HXX2SALOME components
260 +++++++++++++++++++++
262 For computational codes which exchange arrays, MED meshes and fields, the implementation of the SALOME component is more complex.
263 hxx2salome is a Salome generation tool for dataflow C++ components, which is available in SALOME since version 4.
265 Its principle is to start the integration of a code (written in Fortran/C/C++ or any C-compatible language)
266 by writing a C++ layer (a class), which purpose is to drive the underlying code, and exchange data at C++ standard
267 (c++ integral types, STL strings and vectors) and MED types for numerical meshes and fields.
269 Then the Salome CORBA layer (a SALOME C++ component) is generated automatically by the tool.
270 The implementation of the component, which has to be provided in standard YACSGEN through the defs and body attributes,
271 is generated here through analysing the interface of the c++ layer written above the code.
273 hxx2salome tool, although still available in Salome 6 as a standalone tool, was merged within YACSGEN.
274 For the general principles of HXX2SALOME, and the detailed documentation, please refer to
275 the HXX2SALOME chapter of this documentation (:ref:`hxx2salome`). We will only present here the embedded use of HXX2SALOME within YACSGEN.
278 The tool can be used in two different ways:
280 - within a YACSGEN python script, by using the **HXX2SALOMEComponent** class combined with other YACSGEN CLASSES.
281 - with the **hxx2salome.py** script, a python executable which use YACSGEN classes to reproduce the interface of the former former hxx2salome bash script.
284 using the **HXX2SALOMEComponent** class
285 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
287 The merge of hxx2salome within YACSGEN was done by adding a new class, called **HXX2SALOMEComponent**, to the YACSGEN package.
288 Given a C++ component (a C++ layer which wraps a computational code), HXX2SALOMEComponent class parses its interface
289 (as defined in its .hxx header), extracts the public methods, analyses the types of these methods,
290 and uses this type information to generate the implementation. All the information is then given to YACSGEN which generate a ready-to-use component.
292 As an example, let's suppose we have a code called mycode, wrapped by a C++ layer
293 (a dynamic library libmycodeCXX.so, and its interface "mycode.hxx", both located in directory mycodecpp_root_dir).
294 To generate the SALOME C++ component, one should add in his YACS script: ::
296 from module_generator HXX2SALOMEComponent
297 c1=HXX2SALOMEComponent("mycode.hxx",
299 mycodecpp_root_dir ) )
301 The HXX2SALOMEComponent takes three arguments : the C++ header, the C++ library, and the path where to find them. The class does the parsing of c++ and generate all the necessary information for YACSGEN to generate the SALOME module.
303 Finally, if the code is parallel (mpi), one has to use instead the **HXX2SALOMEParaComponent**. This class work exactly in the same way, but generates also
304 the mpi code necessary for a parallel SALOME component.
307 Using **hxx2salome.py** executable
308 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
310 **hxx2salome.py** script is a python executable which use YACSGEN classes to reproduce the interface of the former hxx2salome bash script.
311 The script takes optional arguments, followed by four mandatory arguments: ::
316 hxx2salome.py [options] <CPPCOMPO>_root_dir lib<CPPCOMPO>.hxx <CPPCOMPO>.so installDir
318 generate a SALOME component that wrapps given the C++ component
322 - <CPPCOMPO>_root_dir : install directory (absolute path) of the c++ component
323 - <CPPCOMPO>.hxx : header of the c++ component"
324 - lib<CPPCOMPO>.so : the shared library containing the c++ component
325 - installDir : directory where the generated files and the build should be installed
327 Note that <CPPCOMPO>.hxx and lib<CPPCOMPO>.so should be found in <CPPCOMPO>_root_dir)
332 -h, --help show this help message and exit
333 -e ENVIRON_FILE specify the name of a environment file (bash/sh) that will
335 -g to create a generic gui in your component building tree
336 -c to compile after generation
339 The mandatory argument are respectively :
340 - the path where the C++ component was installed,
341 - within this path the name of the interface header,
342 - the name of the dynamic library,
343 - and finally the location where to generate and compile the Salome component.
345 As an example, the command to generate the mycode component would be: ::
347 hxx2salome.py -c -g -e salome.sh
348 mycodecpp_root_dir mycode.hxx
349 libmycodeCXX.so <absolute path where to install generated component>
355 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
356 A Fortran component is described like a C++ component, except that there are a few differences. Firstly, the F77Component
357 definition object is used instead of the CPPComponent. Then, a special additional interface is made in Fortran.
358 It is assumed that Fortran functions are implemented in a library (dynamic or static) that will be linked with the component and
359 that will have several entry points with the same names as the component services. The call to this entry point will be added
360 automatically after the C++ code supplied by the user in the **body** attribute.
362 This makes it possible to decouple practically the entire implementation of the Fortran component that will be in
363 the external library or sources, from the implementation of the SALOME component that will only be used for encapsulation.
365 The following example will be used to specify these final concepts::
367 c3=F77Component("compo3",
370 inport=[("a","double"),("b","long"),
372 outport=[("d","double"),("e","long"),
374 instream=[("a","CALCIUM_double","T"),
375 ("b","CALCIUM_double","I")],
376 outstream=[("ba","CALCIUM_double","T"),
377 ("bb","CALCIUM_double","I")],
378 defs="#include <unistd.h>",
382 libs="-L/usr/local/fcompo -lfcompo",
383 rlibs="-Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/fcompo"
386 The Fortran “compo3” component has dataflow and datastream ports like the C++ component. The Fortran dynamic library
387 that contains the Fortran entry point *s1* will be linked by means of the **libs** and **rlibs** attributes of the description.
388 The Fortran component also supports the **includes** and **sources** attributes.
390 The Fortran subroutine with name **s1** must have a signature with a first argument that is used to transmit the address of
391 the component and all following arguments that are used to transmit the values of the inport and outport ports. The instream and
392 outstream ports are managed internally to the subroutine through calls to the CALCIUM API with the address of the component
395 An example of subroutine for the above definition follows:
397 .. code-block:: fortran
399 SUBROUTINE S1(compo,A,B,C,D,E,F)
400 C implementation of service s1 with inport a,b,c and outport d,e,f and stream ports
407 CALL cpldb(COMPO,CP_TEMPS,t0,t1,iter,'aa',1,n,ss,info)
408 CALL cpldb(COMPO,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'ab',1,n,zz,info)
409 CALL cplen(COMPO,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'ac',1,n,zn,info)
410 CALL cplre(COMPO,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'ad',1,n,yr,info)
411 CALL cplch(COMPO,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'ae',1,n,tch,info)
412 CALL cplcp(COMPO,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'af',1,n,tcp,info)
413 CALL cpllo(COMPO,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'ag',3,n,tlo,info)
415 CALL cpeDB(COMPO,CP_TEMPS,t0,1,'ba',1,tt,info)
416 CALL cpeDB(COMPO,CP_ITERATION,t0,1,'bb',1,tp,info)
424 As a special case, since version 5.1.4, the first argument (address of the component) is not included, if there is no
425 instream and outstream ports.
427 Same example without stream ports:
429 .. code-block:: fortran
432 C implementation of service s1 with inport a,b,c and outport d,e,f
441 A piece of C++ code can be added before the call to the Fortran entry point. This piece of code must be put into the **body**
442 attribute with any definitions in **defs**. In this case, we use the “c” input dataflow variable to change the directory with the call to chdir.
445 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
446 A Python component is also described like a C++ component. The only differences are in the Python object to be used to
447 define it: PYComponent instead of CPPComponent and in the content of the **defs** and **body** attributes that must contain
448 Python code and not C++.
451 The indentation of the complete block of code is automatically handled but not the internal indentation of the block.
453 Example Python component::
455 pyc1=PYComponent("mycompo",
458 inport=[("inputport","double"),],
459 outport=[("outputport","double")],
461 body=" outputport=2*inputport;",
466 The equivalent of the assembly with external libraries is done in this case with the possibility of importing external
467 Python modules. Simply add the **python_path** attribute to the description of the component to obtain this possibility.
468 The value to be given is a list of directories that might contain modules to be imported.
472 pyc1=PYComponent("mycompo",
475 inport=[("inputport","double"),],
476 outport=[("outputport","double")],
479 python_path=["/usr/local/mysoft","/home/chris/monsoft"],
485 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
486 *Code_Aster* is a software package for finite element analysis and numeric simulation in structural mechanics developed by EDF.
488 An Aster component is a component that is a little bit special because the software functions are implemented in Fortran but
489 they are activated by a command supervisor written in Python. Finally, this supervisor executes a Python script but the data
490 transfer between Python and Fortran and the integration of the command supervisor into a SALOME component have to be managed.
492 The start point is that it is assumed that there is an Aster installation that provides an aster python module in the form of
493 an importable dynamic library (astermodule.so) and not a specific Python interpreter linked with this module, as is the case
494 in the existing installation.
496 An Aster component is described as a Python component to which several important attributes have to be added.
498 - the **python_path** attribute: this indicates the path of the directory containing the aster module (astermodule.so)
499 - the **aster_dir** attribute: this indicates the path of the Aster installation directory
500 - the **argv** attribute: this initialises command line parameters. For example, it will be set equal to the value
501 of memjeveux (``argv=[“-memjeveux”,”10”]``) or rep_outils.
503 The following shows a small example description of an Aster component with a single service provided with 3 input dataflow
504 ports, one output dataflow port, 7 input datastream ports and one output datastream port::
506 c1=ASTERComponent("caster",
509 inport=[("a","double"),("b","long"),
511 outport=[("d","double")],
512 instream=[("aa","CALCIUM_double","T"),
513 ("ab","CALCIUM_double","I"),
514 ("ac","CALCIUM_integer","I"),
515 ("ad","CALCIUM_real","I"),
516 ("ae","CALCIUM_string","I"),
517 ("af","CALCIUM_complex","I"),
518 ("ag","CALCIUM_logical","I"),
520 outstream=[("ba","CALCIUM_double","T"),
521 ("bb","CALCIUM_double","I")],
524 aster_dir="/local/chris/ASTER/instals/NEW9",
525 python_path=["/local/chris/modulegen/YACSGEN/aster/bibpyt"],
526 argv=["-memjeveux","10",
527 "-rep_outils","/local/chris/ASTER/instals/outils"],
531 Do not use the name “aster” for the component because this name is reserved for the *Code_Aster* python module.
532 If the name “aster” is used, the behaviour will be completely erratic.
534 Although its description is very similar to the behaviour of a Python component, there is an important difference in use.
535 The Aster component needs the description of a command set to run. This command set is transferred to each service of the
536 component in the form of a text in an input dataflow port named “jdc” with type “string”. Therefore after generation, this
537 Aster component will have four input dataflow ports (“jdc”, “a”, “b”, “c”) and not three as indicated in the description.
538 It is important not to forget to initialise the “jdc” port in the coupling file with a command set.
540 The command supervisor has been integrated into a SALOME component and the variables received in the dataflow ports are available
541 during execution of the command set. Similarly, values for output dataflow ports are defined by values of variables derived
542 from execution of the command set.
545 **Beware with the execution mode**. The command supervisor has 2 execution modes (PAR_LOT=”OUI” or PAR_LOT=”NON” that are
546 specified in the DEBUT command) (PAR_LOT = BY_BATCH). In PAR_LOT=”OUI” mode, it is compulsory to terminate the command set
547 with a FIN (END) command which has the effect of interrupting execution. This is not the preferred method of operation with YACS.
548 It is preferable to use PAR_LOT=”NON” mode without adding the FIN command, which avoids interrupting the execution prematurely.
550 Dynamically importable Aster module and link with YACS
551 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
552 These two points are not handled by YACSGEN. They must be processed separately in a context similar to the context of an Aster developer.
554 It is assumed that there is an Aster installation, that it is required to create a dynamically importable Python Aster module, and
555 that a few commands are to be added to Aster to exchange data through YACS datastream ports.
557 To remain simple, three commands: YACS_INIT, ECRIRE_MAILLAGE and LECTURE_FORCE are added, for which the catalogs are::
559 YACS_INIT=PROC(nom="YACS_INIT",op=181, fr="YACS initialisation",
560 COMPO=SIMP(statut='o',typ='I'),
562 ECRIRE_MAILLAGE=PROC(nom="ECRIRE_MAILLAGE",op=78, fr="write mesh")
563 LECTURE_FORCE=PROC(nom="LECTURE_FORCE",op=189, fr="read force")
565 The first YACS_INIT command initialises Aster in the YACS context. It has a single simple keyword COMPO (integer type) that
566 will be used to transfer the SALOME component identifier to other commands. This identifier will be stored in a Fortran COMMON.
567 It is essential for calls to subprograms CPLxx and CPExx that will be used in the other two ECRIRE_MAILLAGE and LECTURE_FORCE commands.
569 The other two commands do not have any keyword and they retrieve the identifier from the COMMON.
571 The operators will be written as follows (without the declarations):
573 .. code-block:: fortran
579 CALL cpldb(ICOMPO,CP_TEMPS,t0,t1,iter,'aa',1,n,ss,info)
580 CALL cpldb(ICOMPO,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'ab',1,n,zz,info)
581 CALL cplen(ICOMPO,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'ac',1,n,zn,info)
582 CALL cplre(ICOMPO,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'ad',1,n,yr,info)
583 CALL cplch(ICOMPO,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'ae',1,n,tch,info)
584 CALL cplcp(ICOMPO,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'af',1,n,tcp,info)
585 CALL cpllo(ICOMPO,CP_ITERATION,t0,t1,iter,'ag',3,n,tlo,info)
592 CALL cpeDB(ICOMPO,CP_TEMPS,t0,1,'ba',1,tt,info)
593 CALL cpeDB(ICOMPO,CP_ITERATION,t0,1,'bb',1,tp,info)
596 Finally, an astermodule.so dynamic library must be constructed, and all necessary Python modules must be placed in a directory
597 that will be indicated in the **python_path** attribute. Different methods can be used to obtain this result.
598 The following Makefile is one of them:
607 KERNEL_LIBS= -L$(KERNEL_ROOT_DIR)/lib/salome -lCalciumC -lSalomeDSCSuperv \
608 -lSalomeDSCContainer -lSalomeDatastream -lSalomeDSCSupervBasic \
609 -Wl,--rpath -Wl,$(KERNEL_ROOT_DIR)/lib/salome
611 ASTER_ROOT=/local/chris/ASTER/instals
613 ASTER_PUB=$(ASTER_ROOT)/public
614 ASTER_LIBS = -L$(ASTER_INSTALL)/lib -laster \
615 -L$(ASTER_PUB)/scotch_4.0/bin -lscotch -lscotcherr \
616 -lferm -llapack -lhdf5
617 SOURCES=src/op0078.f src/op0189.f
618 CATAPY=catalo/ecrire_maillage.capy catalo/lecture_force.capy
620 all:pyth cata astermodule
622 cp -rf $(ASTER_INSTALL)/bibpyt .
623 cata: commande/cata.py
624 cp -rf commande/cata.py* bibpyt/Cata
625 commande/cata.py:$(CATAPY)
626 $(ASTER_ROOT)/ASTK/ASTK_SERV/bin/as_run make-cmd
627 astermodule:astermodule.so pyth
628 cp -rf astermodule.so bibpyt
629 astermodule.so: $(SOURCES)
632 Modify command line parameters during execution
633 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
634 The **argv** attribute gives initial values to arguments such as “memjeveux” but these values are used by the generator to
635 build the component and therefore remain constant afterwards during execution.
637 If you want to modify these values during execution, you need to add an input port named “argv” with type “string”. The character
638 string that will be given as the value of this port will be used by the component to modify the arguments of the command
639 line (see :ref:`execaster` for an example use).
641 Management of the elements file
642 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
643 The finite elements file is automatically copied into the working directory under the name elem.1.
644 The component uses the **aster_dir** attribute to locate the origin file.
646 Supported Aster versions
647 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
648 YACSGEN can function with Aster 9 and higher versions.
650 SALOME module generator
651 -----------------------------------------------------------
652 The SALOME module is created by a generator constructed from the description of the SALOME module (m) seen previously
653 and a Python dictionary (context) that provides some environment parameters::
655 g=Generator(m,context)
657 The following parameters are mandatory for this context:
659 - **prerequisites**: indicates the path of a shell script that sets the environment variables of SALOME prerequisites
660 - **kernel**: indicates the installation path of the SALOME KERNEL module
661 - **update**: set equal to 1 at the moment (future development)
663 Example creation of generator::
666 "prerequisites":"/local/cchris/.packages.d/envSalome",
667 "kernel":"/local/chris/SALOME/RELEASES/Install/KERNEL_V5"
669 g=Generator(m,context)
671 Once this generator has been created, simply call its commands to perform the necessary operations.
673 - SALOME module generation: ``g.generate()``
674 - initialise automake: ``g.bootstrap()``
675 - execute the configure script: ``g.configure()``
676 - compilation: ``g.make()``
677 - installation in the directory <prefix>: ``g.install()``
678 - create a SALOME application in the directory **appli_dir**::
680 g.make_appli(appli_dir,restrict=<liste de modules>,
681 altmodules=<dictionnaire de modules>)
683 These commands do not use any parameters except for make_appli that uses 3 parameters:
685 - **appliname**: the name of the directory that will contain the SALOME application
686 - **restrict**: a list of SALOME module names to put into the application. By default, make_appli puts all SALOME modules
687 that it can detect into the application (neighbour directories of KERNEL with the same suffix as KERNEL. If the directory
688 of the KERNEL module is called KERNEL_V5, then it will use GUI_V5, GEOM_V5, etc.). If restrict is provided, make_appli will
689 only use the modules listed.
690 - **altmodules**: a dictionary of other modules. The key gives the name of the module. The corresponding value gives the path
691 of the module installation directory. For example ``altmodules={"mymodule":"/local/chris/amodule"}``
693 Fabrication of the SALOME module
694 -----------------------------------------------------
695 The module will be fabricated by executing a Python file that contains its description, by inputting data into the generator
696 and generator commands.
698 This gives something like the following for a module with a single Fortran component:
700 .. code-block:: python
702 from module_generator import Generator,Module
703 from module_generator import PYComponent,CPPComponent,Service,F77Component
706 "prerequisites":"/local/cchris/.packages.d/envSalome",
707 "kernel":"/local/chris/SALOME/RELEASES/Install/KERNEL_V5"
711 c1=F77Component("compo",
714 inport=[("a","double"),
717 outport=[("d","double"),("e","long"),
719 instream=[("a","CALCIUM_double","T"),
720 ("b","CALCIUM_double","I")],
721 outstream=[("ba","CALCIUM_double","T"),
722 ("bb","CALCIUM_double","I")],
723 defs="#include <unistd.h>",
727 libs="-L/local/chris/modulegen/YACSGEN/fcompo -lfcompo",
728 rlibs="-Wl,--rpath -Wl,/local/chris/modulegen/YACSGEN/fcompo")
730 m=Module("mymodule",components=[c1],prefix="Install")
731 g=Generator(m,context)
737 g.make_appli("appli",restrict=["KERNEL","GUI","YACS"])
739 If this description is in the mymodule.py file, all that is required is to execute::
743 which has the effect of creating the module source directory (mymodule_SRC), the module installation directory (Install) and a
744 SALOME application directory (appli).
746 Obviously, it must be possible to import the **module_generator** package either while being in the current directory or in the PYTHONPATH.
748 It is always preferable (although not essential) to clean up the working directory before executing the generator.
750 Using the component in a coupling
751 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
752 Create the YACS coupling file
753 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
754 A YACS coupling file is an XML file that describes how SALOME components previously installed in a SALOME application are coupled and executed.
756 See :ref:`schemaxml` for documentation about how to write a YACS XML file.
758 The following is an example of a YACS file using the Fortran component defined above:
763 <container name="A"> </container>
764 <container name="B"> </container>
766 <service name="pipo1" >
767 <component>compo</component>
769 <load container="A"/>
770 <inport name="a" type="double"/>
771 <inport name="b" type="int"/>
772 <inport name="c" type="string"/>
773 <outport name="d" type="double"/>
774 <outport name="e" type="int"/>
775 <outport name="f" type="string"/>
776 <instream name="a" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
777 <instream name="b" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
778 <outstream name="ba" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
779 <outstream name="bb" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
781 <service name="pipo2" >
782 <component>compo</component>
784 <load container="B"/>
785 <inport name="a" type="double"/>
786 <inport name="b" type="int"/>
787 <inport name="c" type="string"/>
788 <outport name="d" type="double"/>
789 <outport name="e" type="int"/>
790 <outport name="f" type="string"/>
791 <instream name="a" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
792 <instream name="b" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
793 <outstream name="ba" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
794 <outstream name="bb" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
798 <fromnode>pipo1</fromnode><fromport>ba</fromport>
799 <tonode>pipo2</tonode><toport>a</toport>
802 <fromnode>pipo1</fromnode><fromport>bb</fromport>
803 <tonode>pipo2</tonode><toport>b</toport>
806 <fromnode>pipo2</fromnode><fromport>ba</fromport>
807 <tonode>pipo1</tonode><toport>a</toport>
810 <fromnode>pipo2</fromnode><fromport>bb</fromport>
811 <tonode>pipo1</tonode><toport>b</toport>
814 <tonode>pipo1</tonode> <toport>a</toport>
815 <value><double>23</double> </value>
818 <tonode>pipo1</tonode> <toport>b</toport>
819 <value><int>23</int> </value>
822 <tonode>pipo1</tonode> <toport>c</toport>
823 <value><string>/local/cchris/SALOME/SUPERV/YACS/modulegen/data1</string> </value>
826 <tonode>pipo2</tonode> <toport>a</toport>
827 <value><double>23</double> </value>
830 <tonode>pipo2</tonode> <toport>b</toport>
831 <value><int>23</int> </value>
834 <tonode>pipo2</tonode> <toport>c</toport>
835 <value><string>/local/cchris/SALOME/SUPERV/YACS/modulegen/data2</string> </value>
840 In general terms, coupling uses two instances of the component compo (pipo1 and pipo2) of which the service s1 is executed.
841 The datastream ports of these services are connected using fromnode, fromport, tonode, toport information in the stream sections.
842 The dataflow ports are initialised by the parameter sections. In particular, the working directory of each component instance
843 is initialised through input port “c” of each component instance. Each component instance is executed in a different container (A and B).
844 These names are virtual. SALOME will decide on the effective name of the containers at the time of the startup. The following simply
845 describes constraints on containers to be used. In fact, there is only one constraint, which is that the containers have to be different.
848 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
849 Once the coupling file has been written using a classical editor or the YACS graphic editor, execution can be started.
851 It takes place in several steps:
853 - start SALOME: execute the runAppli script of the SALOME application (``./appli/runAppli –t``). The application runs
854 as a background task until it is stopped.
855 - start coupling: execute the YACS coupler in the environment of the running SALOME application (``./appli/runSession driver test.xml``)
856 with test.xml as the coupling file.
857 - stop the application: ``./appli/runSession killSalome.py``
859 There are many coupling outputs:
861 - the output from the coupler itself. If no execution error is returned to the coupler, the output will only contain one useful
862 item of information: the name of containers started by SALOME to execute the components. If execution errors are returned to
863 the coupler, they will be listed at the end of execution.
864 - container outputs: these outputs are located in the /tmp directory with a name constructed based on the container name read
865 in the coupler output.
868 When the application is stopped, the containers are killed, and this can cause information losses in their output files.
870 The working directory
871 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
872 Each component instance is hosted in a container. Therefore all instances hosted in a container are executed in the same
873 directory, which is the container directory. Starting from version 4.1.1 of SALOME, the working directory of a container
874 can be specified in the coupling file. All that is necessary is to add the **workingdir** property to the container.
875 The following gives a few examples:
880 <property name="workingdir" value="/home/user/w1"/>
883 <property name="workingdir" value="$TEMPDIR"/>
886 <property name="workingdir" value="a/b"/>
889 The container A is executed in directory “/home/user/w1”. This directory will be created if it does not exist.
890 The container B will be executed in a new temporary directory.
891 Container C will be executed in the relative directory “a/b” (starting from the directory of the application used
892 for the execution). This directory will be created if it does not already exist.
895 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
896 Components are dynamic libraries or Python modules, and they cannot be run in shell scripts. For components that use input and
897 output files, “files” ports can be specified in the coupling file through which file transfers will be made and appropriate
898 local names will be given. For example, a service that uses an input file a and produces an output file b will be declared as follows:
902 <service name="pipo1">
903 <component>caster</component>
905 <inport name="a" type="file"/>
906 <outport name="b" type="file"/>
909 These ports can be initialised or connected to other “files” ports like ordinary ports. For example, initialisation for the input
910 file will be in the following form:
915 <tonode>pipo1</tonode> <toport>a</toport>
916 <value><objref>/local/chris/tmp/unfichier</objref> </value>
919 It is impossible to initialise an output file port directly. A special node has to be used that collects outputs.
920 A “dataout” node and the link between node “pipo1” and node “dataout” will be created:
924 <outnode name="dataout" >
925 <parameter name="f1" type="file" ref="myfile"/>
928 <fromnode>pipo1</fromnode><fromport>b</fromport>
929 <tonode>dataout</tonode> <toport>f1</toport>
933 It is impossible to use the “.” character in port names. This prevents the use of names such as fort.8 that are
934 fairly frequent. There is a simple workaround solution, which is to replace the “.” by the “:”character (therefore fort:8 in
935 our example) to obtain the expected result.
936 Obviously, names containing the “:” characters cannot be used. They must be very rare.
940 Example execution of an Aster component
941 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
942 There are a few unusual features when executing an Aster component that are presented below:
944 - handling the command set
945 - specification of parameters in the command line
946 - specification of a mesh file (.mail)
947 - specification of environment variables (also valid for other component types).
949 The following is a simplified example of a YACS scheme comprising a calculation node that should execute service s1 of
950 the caster component (type Aster) with an environment variable, a mail file, a comm file and command line parameters.
951 A more complete example is given in the directory Examples/ast1 in the distribution:
955 <service name="pipo1" >
956 <component>caster</component>
957 <property name="MYENVAR" value="25"/>
959 <load container="A"/>
960 <inport name="jdc" type="string"/>
961 <inport name="argv" type="string"/>
962 <inport name="a" type="double"/>
963 <inport name="fort:20" type="file"/>
964 <outport name="d" type="double"/>
965 <instream name="aa" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
966 <outstream name="ba" type="CALCIUM_double"/>
969 <inline name="ljdc" >
971 <code>f=open(comm)</code>
972 <code>jdc=f.read()</code>
973 <code>f.close()</code>
975 <inport name="comm" type="string"/>
976 <outport name="jdc" type="string"/>
980 <tonode>ljdc</tonode> <toport>comm</toport>
981 <value><string>/home/chris/jdc.comm</string> </value>
985 <fromnode>ljdc</fromnode><fromport>jdc</fromport>
986 <tonode>pipo1</tonode> <toport>jdc</toport>
990 <tonode>pipo1</tonode> <toport>argv</toport>
991 <value><string>-rep_outils /aster/outils</string> </value>
995 <tonode>pipo1</tonode> <toport>fort:20</toport>
997 <objref>/local/chris/ASTER/instals/NEW9/astest/forma01a.mmed</objref>
1001 Firstly, the command set has to be specified. As mentioned above (:ref:`aster`), an additional “jdc” “string” type port
1002 has to be declared and it has to be initialised or connected. In this case, the jdc port is connected to an output port
1003 from a python node (ljdc) that will read the .comm file, for which the path is given to it by its comm input port.
1004 The component identifier is transferred to the YACS_INIT command by means of the “component” variable that is
1005 automatically added by the generator and is available to write the .comm file.
1007 Brief example of .comm::
1010 YACS_INIT(COMPO=component)
1014 Before values of command line parameters can be specified, a component must have been created with a “string” type port named “argv”.
1015 A value then has to be given to this port. In this case, we modify the tools directory path using the **rep_outils** parameter.
1017 A mesh file (.mail) is specified to an Aster component by adding a file port to the calculation node:
1021 <inport name="fort:20" type="file"/>
1023 The name of this file port must be the same as the local file name as expected by Aster. Usually, Aster uses
1024 the fort.20 file as an input to LIRE_MAILLAGE. As mentioned above, the dot in fort.20 cannot be used in a port
1025 name, and therefore it will be given the name fort:20. A value will then have to be given to this port that will
1026 correspond to the path of the file to be used. This is done by a parameter directive:
1031 <tonode>pipo1</tonode> <toport>fort:20</toport>
1033 <objref>/local/chris/ASTER/instals/NEW9/astest/forma01a.mmed</objref>
1037 Environment variables are specified by using properties of the calculation node. In this case, we define
1038 the MYENVAR environment variable with value 25.
1040 Standalone components
1041 --------------------------------------------------
1042 Before SALOME version 4.1, the only method for integrating a component was to produce a dynamic library (\*.so) or a python
1043 module (\*.py). This component is loaded by a SALOME executable named Container, either by dlopen in the case of the
1044 library or by import in the case of the Python module. This method is a little constraining for calculation codes
1045 like *Code_Aster* or *Code_Saturne* that are executed in a particular environment, and preferably from a shell script.
1047 Starting from version 4.1.3, a component can be integrated as an executable or shell script. This new function is
1048 experimental at the moment and it will have to be tested more completely. However, it can be used and module_generator
1049 was adapted (starting from version 0.3) to generate standalone components. The following describes operations to be carried out
1050 to change to standalone mode for each type of component (C/C++, Python, Fortran or Aster).
1053 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1054 All that is necessary to transform a standard C/C++ component in the form of a dynamic library into a standalone component, is
1055 to add two attributes to its description:
1057 - the **kind** attribute: by setting the value “exe”
1058 - the **exe_path** attribute: by setting its value equal to the path of the executable or the shell script that will be used
1059 when the component is started
1061 The following is an example of a C++ component modified to make it a standalone component::
1063 c1=CPPComponent("compo1",services=[
1064 Service("myservice",inport=[("inputport","double"),],
1065 outport=[("outputport","double")],
1069 exe_path="/local/SALOME/execpp/prog",
1072 The path given for **exe_path** corresponds to an executable with the following source:
1076 #include "compo1.hxx"
1078 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
1084 It must be compiled and linked using the compo1.hxx include and the libcompo1Exelib.so library that are given
1085 in the installation of the module generated in include/salome and in lib/salome respectively.
1089 the SALOME module must be generated before compiling and linking the standalone component.
1091 A more complete example is given in the distribution sources in the Examples/cpp2 directory.
1093 The executable can be replaced by an intermediary shell script, but it is good to know that the call to yacsinit
1094 retrieves information necessary to initialise the component in the three environment variables (*SALOME_CONTAINERNAME*,
1098 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1099 The method for a Fortran component is exactly the same. The same two attributes are added:
1101 - The **kind** attribute: by setting the value “exe”
1102 - The **exe_path** attribute: by setting its value equal to the path of the executable or the shell script that will
1103 be used when the component is started
1105 The following is an example of a standalone Fortran component::
1107 c3=F77Component("compo3",services=[
1108 Service("s1",inport=[("a","double"),("b","long"),
1110 outport=[("d","double"),("e","long"),
1112 instream=[("a","CALCIUM_double","T"),
1113 ("b","CALCIUM_double","I")],
1114 outstream=[("ba","CALCIUM_double","T"),
1115 ("bb","CALCIUM_double","I")],
1119 exe_path="/local/SALOME/fcompo/prog",
1122 The path given for **exe_path** corresponds to an executable with the following source:
1124 .. code-block:: fortran
1130 It must be compiled and linked using the libcompo3Exelib.so library that is located in the installation of the module
1131 generated in lib/salome, and with the Fortran source containing subroutine S1.
1132 Refer to a more complete example in distribution sources in the Examples/fort2 directory.
1135 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1136 A very rudimentary generator has been coded for a Python component. The only possible action is to add the **kind**
1137 attribute (with the value "exe"). The executable is automatically generated in the module installation.
1138 It cannot be replaced by a script, unless the installation is modified.
1140 Standalone Aster component
1141 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1142 Slightly more work is necessary for an Aster component. Three attributes have to be specified:
1144 - the **aster_dir** attribute: that gives the path of the *Code_Aster* installation
1145 - the **kind** attribute: with the “exe” value
1146 - the **exe_path** attribute: that gives the path of the shell script that will be used when the component is started
1148 The following is an example description of a standalone Aster component::
1150 c1=ASTERComponent("caster",services=[
1151 Service("s1",inport=[("argv","string"),("a","double"),
1152 ("b","long"),("c","string")],
1153 outport=[("d","double")],
1154 instream=[("aa","CALCIUM_double","T"),
1155 ("ab","CALCIUM_double","I"),
1156 ("ac","CALCIUM_integer","I"),
1157 ("ad","CALCIUM_real","I"),
1158 ("ae","CALCIUM_string","I"),
1159 ("af","CALCIUM_complex","I"),
1160 ("ag","CALCIUM_logical","I"),
1162 outstream=[("ba","CALCIUM_double","T"),
1163 ("bb","CALCIUM_double","I")],
1166 aster_dir="/aster/NEW9",
1168 exe_path="/home/SALOME5/exeaster",
1171 The “effective” command file always has to be specified in the XML coupling file.
1173 Example coupling with standalone components
1174 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1175 By collecting all the above elements, coupling of a standalone Aster component with a standalone Fortran component is
1176 written as follows::
1178 from module_generator import Generator,Module
1179 from module_generator import ASTERComponent,Service,F77Component
1181 context={'update':1,"prerequisites":"/home/SALOME5/env.sh",
1182 "kernel":"/home/SALOME5/Install/KERNEL_V5"}
1184 install_prefix="./exe_install"
1185 appli_dir="exe_appli"
1187 c1=ASTERComponent("caster",services=[
1188 Service("s1",inport=[("a","double"),("b","long"),
1190 outport=[("d","double")],
1191 instream=[("aa","CALCIUM_double","T"),
1192 ("ab","CALCIUM_double","I"),
1193 ("ac","CALCIUM_integer","I"),
1194 ("ad","CALCIUM_real","I"),
1195 ("ae","CALCIUM_string","I"),
1196 ("af","CALCIUM_complex","I"),
1197 ("ag","CALCIUM_logical","I"),
1199 outstream=[("ba","CALCIUM_double","T"),
1200 ("bb","CALCIUM_double","I")],
1204 aster_dir="/aster/NEW9",
1205 exe_path="/home/SALOME5/exeaster",
1208 c2=F77Component("cfort",services=[
1209 Service("s1",inport=[("a","double"),("b","long"),
1211 outport=[("d","double"),("e","long"),
1213 instream=[("a","CALCIUM_double","T"),
1214 ("b","CALCIUM_double","I")],
1215 outstream=[("ba","CALCIUM_double","T"),
1216 ("bb","CALCIUM_double","I"),
1217 ("bc","CALCIUM_integer","I"),
1218 ("bd","CALCIUM_real","I"),
1219 ("be","CALCIUM_string","I"),
1220 ("bf","CALCIUM_complex","I"),
1221 ("bg","CALCIUM_logical","I"),
1226 exe_path="/home/SALOME5/fcompo/prog",
1229 g=Generator(Module("astmod",components=[c1,c2],prefix=install_prefix),context)
1235 g.make_appli(appli_dir,restrict=["KERNEL","YACS"])
1237 The corresponding xml coupling file and Aster command file may be viewed in the distribution (Examples/ast2 directory).
1238 The complementary implantation elements are located in the fcompo directory (cfort component) and in the myaster directory (caster component).
1241 -----------------------------------------------------------------
1242 YACSGEN is mainly targeted to the integration of Python, C++ or Fortran calculation codes.
1243 Nevertheless, if you want to generate a complete module with GUI, documentation and persistence,
1244 there are some minimal options to do that.
1247 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1248 It is possible to add a C++ or a Python GUI to the module with the *gui* parameter of the module.
1249 This parameter must be a list of file names. These files can be source files (\*.cxx, \*.hxx or \*.h for C++, \*.py for python),
1250 image files (\*.png, ...) and qt designer files (\*.ui). You can't mix python and C++ source files.
1251 In C++, include files with .h extension are processed with the moc qt tool.
1253 Here is an excerpt from pygui1 example that shows how to add a python GUI to a module::
1255 modul=Module("pycompos",components=[c1],prefix="./install",
1256 gui=["pycomposGUI.py","demo.ui","*.png"],
1259 The GUI is implemented in the pycomposGUI.py (that must be named <module name>GUI.py) python module. It uses a qt designer
1260 file demo.ui that is dynamically loaded and several images in PNG files.
1262 Here is an excerpt from cppgui1 example that shows how to add a C++ GUI to a module::
1264 modul=Module("cppcompos",components=[c1],prefix="./install",
1265 gui=["cppcomposGUI.cxx","cppcomposGUI.h","demo.ui","*.png"],
1268 The C++ GUI is very similar to the python GUI except that the cppcomposGUI.h file is processed by the moc and the demo.ui
1269 is processed by the uic qt tool.
1271 By default, a Makefile.am and a SalomeApp.xml files are generated but you can put your own Makefile.am or SalomeApp.xml
1272 in the list to override this default.
1274 Add an online documentation
1275 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1276 It is possible to add an online documentation that is made with the sphinx tool (http://sphinx.pocoo.org). You need a well installed
1277 sphinx tool (1.0.x or 0.6.x).
1278 To add a documentation use the *doc* parameter of the module. It must be a list of file names. These files can be text files
1279 (name with extension .rst) in the reStructured format (see http://docutils.sourceforge.net/) and image files (\*.png, ...).
1280 The main file must be named index.rst.
1282 By default, a sphinx configuration file conf.py and a Makefile.am are generated but you can put your own Makefile.am or conf.py
1283 in the list to override this default.
1285 Here is an excerpt from pygui1 example that shows how to add a documentation to a module::
1287 modul=Module("pycompos",components=[c1],prefix="./install",
1288 doc=["*.rst","*.png"],
1292 The online documentation will only appear in the SALOME GUI, if your module has a minimal GUI but not if it has no GUI.
1294 Add extra methods to your components
1295 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1296 If you have a C++ or Python class or some methods that you want to add to your components, it is possible to do that by
1297 using the *compodefs* and *inheritedclass* parameters of the component (:class:`module_generator.CPPComponent` or
1298 :class:`module_generator.PYComponent`).
1300 The *inheritedclass* parameter gives the name of the class that will be included in the parent classes of the component and
1301 the *compodefs* parameter is a fragment of code that will be inserted in the definition section of the component. It can be used
1302 to add definitions such as include or even a complete class.
1304 Here is an excerpt from pygui1 example that shows how to add a method named createObject to the component pycompos::
1308 def createObject( self, study, name ):
1310 builder = study.NewBuilder()
1311 father = study.FindComponent( "pycompos" )
1313 father = builder.NewComponent( "pycompos" )
1314 attr = builder.FindOrCreateAttribute( father, "AttributeName" )
1315 attr.SetValue( "pycompos" )
1316 object = builder.NewObject( father )
1317 attr = builder.FindOrCreateAttribute( object, "AttributeName" )
1318 attr.SetValue( name )
1321 c1=PYComponent("pycompos",services=[
1322 Service("s1",inport=[("a","double"),("b","double")],
1323 outport=[("c","double"),("d","double")],
1326 compodefs=compodefs,
1332 If you have special characters in your code fragments such as backslash, think about using python raw strings (r"...")
1334 For a C++ component, the method is exactly the same. There is only one case that can be handled in Python with this method and not in C++.
1335 It's when you want to redefine one of the component methods (DumpPython, for example). In this case, adding a class in the inheritance tree
1336 does not override the default implementation. So, for this special case, there is another parameter (*addmethods*) that is a code
1337 fragment that will be included in the component class to effectively redefine the method.
1339 Here is an excerpt from cppgui1 example that shows how to redefine the DumpPython method in a C++ component::
1342 Engines::TMPFile* DumpPython(CORBA::Object_ptr theStudy, CORBA::Boolean isPublished,
1343 CORBA::Boolean& isValidScript)
1345 SALOMEDS::Study_var aStudy = SALOMEDS::Study::_narrow(theStudy);
1346 if(CORBA::is_nil(aStudy))
1347 return new Engines::TMPFile(0);
1348 SALOMEDS::SObject_var aSO = aStudy->FindComponent("cppcompos");
1349 if(CORBA::is_nil(aSO))
1350 return new Engines::TMPFile(0);
1351 std::string Script = "import cppcompos_ORB\n";
1352 Script += "import salome\n";
1353 Script += "compo = salome.lcc.FindOrLoadComponent('FactoryServer','cppcompos')\n";
1354 Script += "def RebuildData(theStudy):\n";
1355 Script += " compo.SetCurrentStudy(theStudy)\n";
1356 const char* aScript=Script.c_str();
1357 char* aBuffer = new char[strlen(aScript)+1];
1358 strcpy(aBuffer, aScript);
1359 CORBA::Octet* anOctetBuf = (CORBA::Octet*)aBuffer;
1360 int aBufferSize = strlen(aBuffer)+1;
1361 Engines::TMPFile_var aStreamFile = new Engines::TMPFile(aBufferSize, aBufferSize, anOctetBuf, 1);
1362 isValidScript = true;
1363 return aStreamFile._retn();
1367 c1=CPPComponent("cppcompos",services=[ Service("s1",
1368 inport=[("a","double"),("b","double")],
1369 outport=[("c","double")],
1372 addedmethods=compomethods,
1376 Add extra idl corba interfaces to your components
1377 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1378 If you want to add pure CORBA methods (not SALOME services) to your components or even complete IDL interface (SALOMEDS::Driver, for
1379 example), you can do that by using the *idls*, *interfacedefs* and *inheritedinterface* parameters of the component.
1381 The *idls* parameter must be a list of CORBA idl file names. The *inheritedinterface* parameter gives the name of the CORBA
1382 interface that will be included in the parent interfaces of the component interface. The *interfacedefs* parameter is a fragment
1383 of code that will be inserted in the idl file of the module. It can be used to add definitions such as include or even a complete interface.
1385 Here is an excerpt from pygui1 example that shows how to add the SALOMEDS::Driver interface (with its default
1386 implementation from SALOME KERNEL) and an extra method (createObject) to a python component::
1389 #include "myinterface.idl"
1393 import SALOME_DriverPy
1395 class A(SALOME_DriverPy.SALOME_DriverPy_i):
1397 SALOME_DriverPy.SALOME_DriverPy_i.__init__(self,"pycompos")
1400 def createObject( self, study, name ):
1402 builder = study.NewBuilder()
1403 father = study.FindComponent( "pycompos" )
1405 father = builder.NewComponent( "pycompos" )
1406 attr = builder.FindOrCreateAttribute( father, "AttributeName" )
1407 attr.SetValue( "pycompos" )
1409 object = builder.NewObject( father )
1410 attr = builder.FindOrCreateAttribute( object, "AttributeName" )
1411 attr.SetValue( name )
1414 c1=PYComponent("pycompos",services=[ Service("s1",
1415 inport=[("a","double"),("b","double")],
1416 outport=[("c","double"),("d","double")],
1420 interfacedefs=idldefs,
1421 inheritedinterface="Idl_A",
1422 compodefs=compodefs,
1426 The idl file names can contain shell-style wildcards that are accepted by the python glob module. Here, there is only
1427 one file (myinterface.idl) that contains the definition of interface Idl_A::
1429 #include "SALOMEDS.idl"
1430 #include "SALOME_Exception.idl"
1432 interface Idl_A : SALOMEDS::Driver
1434 void createObject(in SALOMEDS::Study theStudy, in string name) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
1437 In this simple case, it is also possible to include directly the content of the file with the *interfacedefs* parameter.
1439 For a C++ component, the method is exactly the same, except that there is no default implementation of the Driver interface
1440 so you have to implement it.
1442 Add YACS type definition to YACSGEN
1443 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1444 If you define a port, you need to give a type name. YACSGEN knows about a limited set of types (see :ref:`yacstypes`).
1445 If you want to add more types either because they have been forgotten or you want to use one from a new module, it is possible
1446 to add them with the function :func:`module_generator.add_type`. This function can also overload an existing type.
1448 For example, to overload the definition of type GEOM_Object in GEOM module::
1450 from module_generator import add_type
1451 add_type("GEOM_Object", "GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr", "GEOM::GEOM_Object_out", "GEOM", "GEOM::GEOM_Object","GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr")
1453 Add YACS module definition to YACSGEN
1454 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1455 Now if you want to add a new type from a new module (unknown to YACSGEN), you need to add a module definition to YACSGEN.
1456 You can add it with the function :func:`module_generator.add_module`. This function can also overload the definition
1457 of an existing module.
1459 For example, to overload the definition of module GEOM::
1461 from module_generator import add_module
1464 #include "GEOM_Gen.idl"
1469 GEOM_IDL_INCLUDES = -I$(GEOM_ROOT_DIR)/idl/salome
1470 GEOM_INCLUDES= -I$(GEOM_ROOT_DIR)/include/salome
1471 GEOM_IDL_LIBS= -L$(GEOM_ROOT_DIR)/lib/salome -lSalomeIDLGEOM
1472 GEOM_LIBS= -L$(GEOM_ROOT_DIR)/lib/salome
1480 if test "x${GEOM_ROOT_DIR}" != "x" && test -d ${GEOM_ROOT_DIR} ; then
1481 AC_MSG_RESULT(Using GEOM installation in ${GEOM_ROOT_DIR})
1483 AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find module GEOM. Have you set GEOM_ROOT_DIR ?],1)
1487 add_module("GEOM",idldefs,makefiledefs,configdefs)
1491 -----------------------------------------------------------------
1493 .. automodule:: module_generator
1494 :synopsis: YACSGEN interface
1496 The module provides the following classes:
1498 .. autoclass:: Service
1500 .. autoclass:: CPPComponent
1502 .. autoclass:: PYComponent
1504 .. autoclass:: F77Component
1506 .. autoclass:: ASTERComponent
1508 .. autoclass:: Module
1510 .. autoclass:: Generator
1511 :members: generate, bootstrap, configure, make, install, make_appli
1513 .. autofunction:: add_type
1515 .. autofunction:: add_module
1519 Supported SALOME types
1520 ----------------------------
1522 ======================= =============================== ================================ ===================== ==========================
1523 SALOME module YACS type name IDL type name Implementation Comment
1524 ======================= =============================== ================================ ===================== ==========================
1525 GEOM GEOM_Object GEOM::GEOM_Object C++, Python
1526 SMESH SMESH_Mesh SMESH::SMESH_Mesh C++, Python
1527 SMESH SMESH_Hypothesis SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis C++, Python
1534 KERNEL double double C++, Python, F77
1535 KERNEL long long C++, Python, F77
1536 KERNEL string string C++, Python, F77
1537 KERNEL dblevec dblevec C++, Python, F77 list of double
1538 KERNEL stringvec stringvec C++, Python, F77 list of string
1539 KERNEL intvec intvec C++, Python, F77 list of long
1540 KERNEL pyobj Python a pickled python object
1541 KERNEL file C++, Python, F77 to transfer a file
1542 KERNEL SALOME_TYPES/Parameter SALOME_TYPES::Parameter C++, Python
1543 KERNEL SALOME_TYPES/ParameterList SALOME_TYPES::ParameterList C++, Python
1544 KERNEL SALOME_TYPES/Variable SALOME_TYPES::Variable C++, Python
1545 KERNEL SALOME_TYPES/VariableSequence SALOME_TYPES::VariableSequence C++, Python
1546 KERNEL SALOME_TYPES/StateSequence SALOME_TYPES::StateSequence C++, Python
1547 KERNEL SALOME_TYPES/TimeSequence SALOME_TYPES::TimeSequence C++, Python
1549 KERNEL SALOME_TYPES/ParametricInput SALOME_TYPES::ParametricInput C++, Python
1550 KERNEL SALOME_TYPES/ParametricOutput SALOME_TYPES::ParametricOutput C++, Python
1551 ======================= =============================== ================================ ===================== ==========================