2 .. _python_testmedcouplingloaderex1_solution:
12 # Get available time steps
13 data = ml.MEDFileData("agitateur.med")
14 ts = data.getFields()[0].getTimeSteps()
16 # Get position of the swirler
19 fMc = f1ts.getFieldAtLevel(ml.ON_CELLS,0)
21 arr.getMinMaxPerComponent() # just to see the field variation range per component
22 ids = arr.findIdsInRange(0.,1.)
24 # Extract pression field on the swirler
25 pressMts = data.getFields()["PRESSION_ELEM_DOM"]
26 press1ts = pressMts[(2,-1)]
27 pressMc = press1ts.getFieldAtLevel(ml.ON_CELLS,0)
28 pressOnAgitateurMc = pressMc[ids]
30 pressOnAgitateurMc.getMesh().zipCoords()
31 # Compute pressure on skin
32 agitateurMesh3DMc = pressOnAgitateurMc.getMesh()
33 m3DSurf,desc,descI,revDesc,revDescI = agitateurMesh3DMc.buildDescendingConnectivity()
34 nbOf3DCellSharing = revDescI.deltaShiftIndex()
35 ids2 = nbOf3DCellSharing.findIdsEqual(1)
36 agitateurSkinMc = m3DSurf[ids2]
37 offsetsOfTupleIdsInField = revDescI[ids2]
38 tupleIdsInField = revDesc[offsetsOfTupleIdsInField]
39 pressOnSkinAgitateurMc = pressOnAgitateurMc[tupleIdsInField]
40 pressOnSkinAgitateurMc.setMesh(agitateurSkinMc)
41 # Force field computation
42 pressSkin = pressOnSkinAgitateurMc.getArray()
43 pressSkin *= 1e5 # conversion from bar to Pa
44 areaSkin = agitateurSkinMc.getMeasureField(True).getArray()
45 forceSkin = pressSkin*areaSkin
46 normalSkin = agitateurSkinMc.buildOrthogonalField().getArray()
47 forceVectSkin = forceSkin*normalSkin
49 singlePolyhedron = agitateurMesh3DMc.buildSpreadZonesWithPoly()
50 singlePolyhedron.orientCorrectlyPolyhedrons()
51 centerOfMass = singlePolyhedron.computeCellCenterOfMass()
53 barySkin=agitateurSkinMc.computeCellCenterOfMass()
54 posSkin = barySkin-centerOfMass
56 torquePerCellOnSkin = ml.DataArrayDouble.CrossProduct(posSkin,forceVectSkin)
58 zeTorque = torquePerCellOnSkin.accumulate()
59 print "couple = %r N.m" % zeTorque[2]
61 speedMts = data.getFields()["VITESSE_ELEM_DOM"]
62 speed1ts = speedMts[(2,-1)]
63 speedMc = speed1ts.getFieldAtLevel(ml.ON_CELLS,0)
64 speedOnSkin = speedMc.getArray()[tupleIdsInField]
65 powerSkin = ml.DataArrayDouble.Dot(forceVectSkin,speedOnSkin)
66 power = powerSkin.accumulate()[0]
67 print "power = %r W"%(power)
68 # Eigen vector computation
69 x2 = posSkin[:,0]*posSkin[:,0]
70 x2 = x2.accumulate()[0]
71 y2 = posSkin[:,1]*posSkin[:,1]
72 y2 = y2.accumulate()[0]
73 xy = posSkin[:,0]*posSkin[:,1]
74 xy = xy.accumulate()[0]
75 inertiaSkin = np.matrix([[x2,xy],[xy,y2]])
76 inertiaSkinValues, inertiaSkinVects = np.linalg.eig(inertiaSkin)
77 pos = max(enumerate(inertiaSkinValues), key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
78 vect0 = inertiaSkinVects[pos].tolist()[0]
81 def computeAngle(locAgitateur1ts):
82 fMc = locAgitateur1ts.getFieldAtLevel(ml.ON_CELLS,0)
84 ids = arr.findIdsInRange(0.,1.)
86 m3DSurf,desc,descI,revDesc,revDescI = f2Mc.getMesh().buildDescendingConnectivity()
87 nbOf3DCellSharing = revDescI.deltaShiftIndex()
88 ids2 = nbOf3DCellSharing.findIdsEqual(1)
89 agitateurSkinMc = m3DSurf[ids2]
91 singlePolyhedron = agitateurMesh3DMc.buildSpreadZonesWithPoly()
92 singlePolyhedron.orientCorrectlyPolyhedrons()
93 centerOfMass = singlePolyhedron.computeCellCenterOfMass()
94 bary = agitateurSkinMc.computeCellCenterOfMass()
95 posSkin = bary-centerOfMass
96 x2=posSkin[:,0]*posSkin[:,0] ; x2=x2.accumulate()[0]
97 y2=posSkin[:,1]*posSkin[:,1] ; y2=y2.accumulate()[0]
98 xy=posSkin[:,0]*posSkin[:,1] ; xy=xy.accumulate()[0]
99 inertiaSkin = np.matrix([[x2,xy],[xy,y2]])
100 inertiaSkinValues,inertiaSkinVects = np.linalg.eig(inertiaSkin)
101 pos = max(enumerate(inertiaSkinValues), key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
102 vect0 = inertiaSkinVects[pos].tolist()[0]
105 vects = len(ts)*[None]
106 for itts,locAgitateur1ts in zip(ts,data.getFields()["DISTANCE_INTERFACE_ELEM_BODY_ELEM_DOM"]):
107 angle = computeAngle(locAgitateur1ts)
108 vects[itts[0]] = angle
111 from math import acos, sqrt
112 angle2 = len(ts)*[0.]
113 for pos in xrange(2,len(vects)):
114 norm1 = sqrt(vects[pos-1][0]*vects[pos-1][0]+vects[pos-1][1]*vects[pos-1][1])
115 norm2 = sqrt(vects[pos][0]*vects[pos][0]+vects[pos][1]*vects[pos][1])
116 crs = vects[pos-1][0]*vects[pos][0]+vects[pos-1][1]*vects[pos][1]
117 crs /= norm1 ; crs /= norm2 ; crs = min(crs,1.)
118 angle2[pos] = acos(crs) #/(ts[pos][2]-ts[pos-1][2])
121 omega=sum(angle2)/(ts[-1][2]-ts[0][2])
124 print "At timestep (%d,%d) (physical time=%r s) the torque is: %r N.m, power/omega=%r N.m " % (ts[2][0],ts[2][1],ts[2][2],zeTorque[2],power/omega)