1 // Special file to define and describe the modules (goups)
4 * \defgroup DataModel Data model
6 * \brief Structures for storage and management the application data.
8 * Data structures are unified and splitted in universal <b>ModelAPI</b> package.
9 * The OCCT specialized implementation of ModelAPI interfaces is located in the <b>Model</b>.
10 * The geometrical primitives interfaces in <b>GeomAPI</b> package are supported by geometrical
11 * persistence elements in <b>GeomDatAPI</b> interface and has OCCT-specific implementation in GeomData package.
16 * \defgroup DataAlgo Algorithms
18 * \brief Different algorithm used in the application
20 * The geometrical algorithms implementation (basing on OCCT libraries) are located in <b>GeomAlgoAPI</b>.
26 * \defgroup Plugins Plugins
28 * \brief Implementation of specific features of the application is concentrated in plugins.
30 * The C++ and Python features implementations are located in plugins: specially organized libraries
31 * and configuration files that allows to define the user interface and specific algorithms.
32 * There are many plugins that should be extended with the development of the application. The names
33 * of plugin-packages are ended with "Plugin" string:
34 * <b>PartSetPlugin</b>, <b>ConstructionPlugin</b>, <b>SketchPlugin</b>, <b>FeaturesPlugins</b>, etc.
39 * \defgroup CPPHighAPI C++ High API
41 * \brief C++ API for using fetures concentrated in plugins.
43 * The API intendend to be wrapped by SWIG and used in Python.
48 * \defgroup Config Config
50 * \brief XML processing tools used in the application
52 * The tools for reading definitions of plugins, features and widgets.
57 * \defgroup GUI GUI of the application
59 * \brief Classes for graphic user interface definition
61 * Classes of application windows definition, operations launching,
62 * and objects presentations. It consists of two packages:
63 * - ModuleBase - level for modules definition
64 * - XGUI - implementation of Application GUI.
68 * \defgroup Salome A Salome connector
70 * \brief A set of classes which provide wrapping of
71 * CAD Builder application as SALOME module
75 * \defgroup Desktop Classes for standalone application
77 * \brief This group contains classes for launching the application
78 * in standalone desktop (without SALOME)
82 * \defgroup Modules Modules
84 * \brief Definition of a module as a set of classes for plugins management
88 * \defgroup Validators Validators
90 * \brief Implementation of internal logic of the feature
92 * Validators are used for checking validity of the feature: each argument,
93 * dependencies between the arguments. Validators are defined in the
94 * configuration files and may be also used for selection filters (ModuleBase_SelectionValidator),
95 * passing configurable parameters from XML file to the feature implementation
96 * (like in ExchangePlugin_ImportFormatValidator).