1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><HTML>
3 <!-- hennerik CVSweb $Revision$ -->
4 <TITLE>Exemple</TITLE></HEAD>
5 <BODY BGCOLOR="#eeeeee">
7 #^SALOMEDS methods : FindOrCreateAttribute, SaveAs, FindComponent, FindAttribute, NewCommand, GetProperties, Open, CommitCommand, NewBuilder^
8 #^Attribute methods : SetLocked, IsLocked, GetCreationMode, SetCreationDate, IsModified, GetUserName, Value, SetUserName, SetValue, GetCreationDate^
10 batchmode_geompy.myBuilder._set_UndoLimit(20)
12 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 # create AttributeReal
14 #===============================================
15 A = batchmode_geompy.myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(batchmode_geompy.father, "AttributeReal")
17 raise RuntimeError, "Can't create AttributeReal attribute"
18 A = A._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributeReal)
20 if A.Value() != 0.0001:
21 raise RuntimeError, "Error : wrong value of AttributeReal"
23 # create AttributeStudyProperties
24 #================================================
25 A = batchmode_geompy.myStudy.GetProperties()
27 raise RuntimeError, "Can't create AttributeStudyProperties attribute"
28 A = A._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributeStudyProperties)
30 batchmode_geompy.myBuilder.NewCommand();
31 print "A.GetUserName()= ", A.GetUserName()
32 res,mm,hh,dd,mnth,yy=A.GetCreationDate()
33 print "A.GetCreationDate() = ", mm,hh,dd,mnth,yy
34 print "A.GetCreationMode() = ", A.GetCreationMode()
35 print "A.IsModified() = ", A.IsModified()
36 print "A.IsLocked() = ", A.IsLocked()
37 if A.IsLocked() == 0 :
38 A.SetUserName("tester"); print 'A.SetUserName("tester"), A.GetUserName() = ', A.GetUserName()
39 A.SetCreationDate(11,11,11,11,2002); print 'A.SetCreationDate(11,11,11,11,2002), A.GetCreationDate() =', A.GetCreationDate()
40 print "A.IsModified() = ", A.IsModified()
43 #check the transaction result
44 batchmode_geompy.myBuilder.CommitCommand()
45 if A.GetUserName() != "tester":
46 print 'Control after transaction close : A.GetUserName() = ', A.GetUserName()
47 raise RuntimeError, "Field 'UserName' was not modified but had to!"
49 # try to make some changes wrapped by transaction
50 #================================================
51 batchmode_geompy.myBuilder.NewCommand()
52 A = batchmode_geompy.myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(batchmode_geompy.father, "AttributeInteger")
55 raise RuntimeError, "Can't create AttributeInteger attribute"
56 A = A._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributeInteger)
59 exception_was = None
60 try : batchmode_geompy.myBuilder.CommitCommand()
61 except Exception: exception_was = 1
63 if exception_was is None:
64 raise RuntimeError, "Study was locked for changes but CommitCommand did not generate an exception !"
66 # save / restore study
68 #================================================
69 str= os.getenv("TmpDir")
71 str = "/tmp"
72 file = str+"/test.hdf"
74 print " ------- We will save to", file, "-----------"
76 batchmode_geompy.myStudyManager.SaveAs(file, batchmode_geompy.myStudy)
79 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
80 #--------------------------- Open file ------------------------------------#
81 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------#
83 print" -------------- Open " + file + "-------------- "
85 openedStudy = batchmode_geompy.myStudyManager.Open(file)
86 if openedStudy == None:
87 raise RuntimeError, "Can't open saved study!"
89 father = openedStudy.FindComponent("GEOM")
91 raise RuntimeError, "Geom component is not found! Wrong study is opened."
94 #1. find AttributeReal
95 #================================================
97 res,A=father.FindAttribute("AttributeReal")
98 if res == 0 or A == None:
99 raise RuntimeError, "Error: not found AttributeReal"
101 A = A._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributeReal)
102 if A.Value() != 0.0001:
103 raise RuntimeError, "Error : wrong value of AttributeReal"
106 #2. find AttributeStudyProperties
107 #=================================================
108 A=openedStudy.GetProperties()
109 if res == 0 or A == None:
110 raise RuntimeError, "Error: not found AttributeStudyProperties"
112 A = A._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributeStudyProperties)
113 if A.IsLocked() == 0 :
114 raise RuntimeError, "Error : AttributeStudyProperties must have Locked flag but have no!"
117 myBuilder = openedStudy.NewBuilder()
119 #3. try to make some changes wrapped by transaction
120 #==================================================
121 exception_was = None
123 myBuilder.NewCommand()
124 A = myBuilder.FindOrCreateAttribute(father, "AttributeInteger")
126 if A == None :
127 raise RuntimeError, "Can't create AttributeInteger attribute"
128 A = A._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributeInteger)
129 A.SetValue(1000000)
130 myBuilder.CommitCommand()
131 except Exception: exception_was = 1
133 if exception_was is None:
134 raise RuntimeError, "Study was locked for changes but CommitCommand did not generate an exception !"
137 myBuilder.NewCommand()
138 A=openedStudy.GetProperties()
139 A = A._narrow(SALOMEDS.AttributeStudyProperties)
141 myBuilder.CommitCommand()
144 myBuilder.NewCommand()
146 print "A.GetUserName()= ", A.GetUserName()
147 print "A.GetCreationDate() = ", A.GetCreationDate()
148 print "A.GetCreationMode() = ", A.GetCreationMode()
149 print "A.IsModified() = ", A.IsModified()
150 myBuilder.CommitCommand()
153 myBuilder.NewCommand()
154 A.SetUserName("tester1")
155 myBuilder.CommitCommand()
156 print "A.GetUserName()= ", A.GetUserName()
158 #remove the document file