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1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 #
3 import numpy as np
4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
5 np.random.seed(123456789)
6 #
7 dimension = 20
8 nbmeasures = 15
9 #
10 print("Defining a set of artificial physical fields")
11 from Models.TwoDimensionalInverseDistanceCS2010 \
12      import TwoDimensionalInverseDistanceCS2010 as Equation
13 Eq = Equation(dimension, dimension)
14 print()
15 #
16 print("Search for optimal measurement positions")
17 from adao import adaoBuilder
18 case = adaoBuilder.New()
19 case.setAlgorithmParameters(
20     Algorithm = 'MeasurementsOptimalPositioningTask',
21     Parameters = {
22         "Variant":"DEIM",
23         "SampleAsnUplet":Eq.get_sample_of_mu(15, 15),
24         "MaximumNumberOfLocations":nbmeasures,
25         "ErrorNorm":"Linf",
26         "ErrorNormTolerance":0.,
27         "StoreSupplementaryCalculations":[
28             "SingularValues",
29             "OptimalPoints",
30             "EnsembleOfSimulations",
31             ],
32         }
33     )
34 case.setBackground(Vector = [1,1] )
35 case.setObservationOperator(OneFunction = Eq.OneRealisation)
36 case.execute()
37 #
38 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 print()
40 print("Graphical display of the results")
41 #
42 sp = case.get("EnsembleOfSimulations")[-1]
43 sv = case.get("SingularValues")[-1]
44 op = case.get("OptimalPoints")[-1]
45 #
46 x1, x2 = Eq.get_x()
47 x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(x1, x2)
48 posx1 = [x1.reshape((-1,))[ip] for ip in op]
49 posx2 = [x2.reshape((-1,))[ip] for ip in op]
50 Omega = Eq.get_bounds_on_space()
51 #
52 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6))
53 name = "Measurement optimal points search by "
54 name += '"ADAO/MeasurementsOptimalPositioningTask/DEIM"'
55 fig.suptitle(name, fontsize=20, fontstyle='italic')
56 #
57 ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1)
58 name = "Singular values of the set of %i G simulations"%sp.shape[1]
59 print("  -", name)
60 ax.set_title(name, fontstyle='italic', color='red')
61 ax.set_xlabel("Index of singular values, numbered from 1")
62 ax.set_ylabel("Magnitude of singular values")
63 ax.set_xlim(1, len(sv))
64 ax.set_yscale("log")
65 ax.grid(True)
66 ax.plot(range(1, 1 + len(sv)), sv)
67 #
68 ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2, projection = "3d")
69 name = "A few simulations of G out of a total of %i"%sp.shape[1]
70 print("  -", name)
71 ax.set_title(name, fontstyle='italic', color='red')
72 ax.set_xlabel("Position x1")
73 ax.set_ylabel("Position x2")
74 ax.set_zlabel("Magnitude of G")
75 for i in range(sp.shape[1]):
76     if i % 44 != 0: continue
77     Gfield = sp[:,i].reshape((dimension, dimension))
78     ax.plot_surface(x1, x2, Gfield, cmap='coolwarm')
79 #
80 ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3)
81 name = "Set of %i first optimal points of measurement"%nbmeasures
82 print("  -", name)
83 ax.set_title(name, fontstyle='italic', color='red')
84 ax.set_xlabel("Position x1")
85 ax.set_ylabel("Position x2")
86 ax.set_xlim(Omega[0][0] - 0.05, Omega[0][1] + 0.05)
87 ax.set_ylim(Omega[1][0] - 0.05, Omega[1][1] + 0.05)
88 ax.grid(True, which='both', linestyle=(0, (1, 5)), linewidth=0.5)
89 ax.plot(posx1, posx2, markersize=6, marker="o", linestyle='')
90 for i in range(len(posx1)):
91     ax.text(posx1[i] + 0.005, posx2[i] + 0.01, str(i + 1), fontweight='bold')
92 #
93 plt.tight_layout()
94 fig.savefig("simple_MeasurementsOptimalPositioningTask3.png")
95 plt.close()