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1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 #
3 from numpy import array, random
4 random.seed(1234567)
5 Xtrue = -0.37727
6 Yobs = []
7 for i in range(51):
8     Yobs.append([random.normal(Xtrue, 0.1, size=(1,)),])
9 #
10 print("Estimation of a constant variable by filtering")
11 print("----------------------------------------------")
12 print("  Noisy measurements acquired on %i time steps"%(len(Yobs)-1,))
13 print("")
14 from adao import adaoBuilder
15 case = adaoBuilder.New('')
16 #
17 case.setObservationOperator(Matrix             = [1.])
18 case.setObservationError   (ScalarSparseMatrix = 0.1**2)
19 #
20 case.setEvolutionModel     (Matrix             = [1.])
21 case.setEvolutionError     (ScalarSparseMatrix = 1e-5)
22 #
23 case.setAlgorithmParameters(
24     Algorithm="KalmanFilter",
25     Parameters={
26         "StoreSupplementaryCalculations":[
27             "Analysis",
28             "APosterioriCovariance",
29             ],
30         },
31     )
32 case.setObserver(
33     Info="  Analyzed state at current observation:",
34     Template='ValuePrinter',
35     Variable='Analysis',
36     )
37 #
38 XaStep, VaStep = 0., 1.
39 for i in range(1,len(Yobs)):
40     case.setBackground         (Vector             = "%s"%float(XaStep))
41     case.setBackgroundError    (ScalarSparseMatrix = "%s"%float(VaStep))
42     case.setObservation        (Vector             = Yobs[i])
43     case.execute( nextStep = True )
44     XaStep = case.get("Analysis")[-1]
45     VaStep = case.get("APosterioriCovariance")[-1]
46 #
47 Xa = case.get("Analysis")
48 Pa = case.get("APosterioriCovariance")
49 #
50 print("")
51 print("  Final a posteriori variance:",Pa[-1])
52 print("")
53 #
54 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 #
56 Observations = array([yo[0]   for yo in Yobs])
57 Estimates    = array([xa[0]   for xa in case.get("Analysis")])
58 Variances    = array([pa[0,0] for pa in case.get("APosterioriCovariance")])
59 #
60 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
61 plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 4)
62 #
63 plt.figure()
64 plt.plot(Observations,'kx',label='Noisy measurements')
65 plt.plot(Estimates,'r-',label='Estimated state')
66 plt.axhline(Xtrue,color='b',label='Truth value')
67 plt.legend()
68 plt.title('Estimate of the state', fontweight='bold')
69 plt.xlabel('Observation step')
70 plt.ylabel('Voltage')
71 plt.savefig("simple_KalmanFilter2_state.png")
72 #
73 plt.figure()
74 iobs = range(1,len(Observations))
75 plt.plot(iobs,Variances[iobs],label='A posteriori error variance')
76 plt.title('Estimate of the a posteriori error variance', fontweight='bold')
77 plt.xlabel('Observation step')
78 plt.ylabel('$(Voltage)^2$')
79 plt.setp(plt.gca(),'ylim',[0,.01])
80 plt.savefig("simple_KalmanFilter2_variance.png")