]> SALOME platform Git repositories - tools/siman.git/blob - Workspace/Siman/WebContent/rtef/paste_word.htm
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Now the "Context type" input field is cleaned when the focus is inside the field...
[tools/siman.git] / Workspace / Siman / WebContent / rtef / paste_word.htm
1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
2 <html> 
3 <head> 
4 <script>document.write("<title>"+window.opener.lblPasteWord+"</title>");</script>
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7 <!-- 
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16 <!-- 
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23 function submitForm(){
24   if (document.frm_obj.content.value==''){ 
25     alert(window.opener.lblPasteWordVal0); 
26   }else{ 
27     cleaned = stripWord(document.frm_obj.content.value); 
28     window.opener.insertHTML(cleaned); 
29     window.close();
30   } 
31 }
33 function stripWord(html){ 
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77    // Remove empty tags (three times, just to be sure). 
78    html = html.replace(/<([^\s>]+)[^>]*>\s*<\/\1>/g,''); 
79    // Transform <P> to <span> 
80    var re = new RegExp("(<P)([^>]*>.*?)(<\/P>)","gi");
81    html=html.replace(re,"<span$2</span><br>");
82    return html; 
83 }
84 //--> 
85 </script> 
86 </head> 
87 <body> 
88 <form name="frm_obj"> 
89 <fieldset style="margin:8px;"><legend><script>document.write(window.opener.lblPasteWord);</script></legend>
90 <div style="padding:8px;"><script>document.write(window.opener.lblPasteWordHint);</script><textarea name="content" type="text" id="cleanText" style="width:280px; height:230px;"></textarea></div>
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92 <center>
93 <input type="button" name="btnsubmit" value="" style="width:100px" onclick="submitForm();"/>&nbsp;
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96 <script>
97 document.frm_obj.btnsubmit.value = window.opener.lblPasteWordSubmit;
98 document.frm_obj.btncancel.value = window.opener.lblPasteWordCancel;
99 document.frm_obj.content.focus();
100 </script>