]> SALOME platform Git repositories - tools/siman.git/blob - Workspace/Siman/WebContent/rtef/lang/en.js
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[tools/siman.git] / Workspace / Siman / WebContent / rtef / lang / en.js
1 // English Language File
2 // Translation provided by Timothy Bell
4 // Buttons
5 var lblSubmit                            = "Submit"; // Button value for non-designMode() & non fullsceen RTE
6 var lblModeRichText      = "Switch to RichText Mode"; // Label of the Show Design view link
7 var lblModeHTML                          = "Switch to HTML Mode"; // Label of the Show Code view link
8 var lblPreview                           = "Preview";
9 var lblSave                                      = "Save";
10 var lblPrint                                     = "Print";
11 var lblSelectAll                         = "Select/Deselect All";
12 var lblSpellCheck                        = "Spell Check";
13 var lblCut                                               = "Cut";
14 var lblCopy                                              = "Copy";
15 var lblPaste                                     = "Paste";
16 var lblPasteText       = "Paste as Plain Text";
17 var lblPasteWord       = "Paste From Word";
18 var lblUndo                                              = "Undo";
19 var lblRedo                                              = "Redo";
20 var lblHR                                                        = "Horizontal Rule";
21 var lblInsertChar                        = "Insert Special Character";
22 var lblBold                                              = "Bold";
23 var lblItalic                                    = "Italic";
24 var lblUnderline                         = "Underline";
25 var lblStrikeThrough   = "Strike Through";
26 var lblSuperscript               = "Superscript";
27 var lblSubscript                         = "Subscript";
28 var lblAlgnLeft                          = "Align Left";
29 var lblAlgnCenter                        = "Center";
30 var lblAlgnRight                         = "Align Right";
31 var lblJustifyFull               = "Justify Full";
32 var lblOL                                                        = "Ordered List";
33 var lblUL                                                        = "Unordered List";
34 var lblOutdent                           = "Outdent";
35 var lblIndent                                    = "Indent";
36 var lblTextColor                         = "Text Color";
37 var lblBgColor                           = "Background Color";
38 var lblSearch                                    = "Search And Replace";
39 var lblInsertLink                        = "Insert Link";
40 var lblAddImage                          = "Add Image";
41 var lblInsertTable               = "Insert Table";
42 var lblWordCount       = "Word Count";
43 var lblUnformat        = "Unformat";
45 // Dropdowns
46 // Format Dropdown
47 var lblFormat                            =  "<option value=\"\" selected>Format</option>";
48 lblFormat                                                += "<option value=\"<h1>\">Heading 1</option>";
49 lblFormat                                                += "<option value=\"<h2>\">Heading 2</option>";
50 lblFormat                                                += "<option value=\"<h3>\">Heading 3</option>";
51 lblFormat                                                += "<option value=\"<h4>\">Heading 4</option>";
52 lblFormat                                                += "<option value=\"<h5>\">Heading 5</option>";
53 lblFormat                                                += "<option value=\"<h6>\">Heading 6</option>";
54 lblFormat                                                += "<option value=\"<p>\">Paragraph</option>";
55 lblFormat                                                += "<option value=\"<address>\">Address</option>";
56 lblFormat                                                += "<option value=\"<pre>\">Preformatted</option>";
57 // Font Dropdown
58 var lblFont                                      =  "<option value=\"\" selected>Font</option>";
59 lblFont                                                          += "<option value=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Arial</option>";
60 lblFont                                                          += "<option value=\"Courier New, Courier, mono\">Courier New</option>";
61 lblFont                                                          += "<option value=\"Palatino Linotype\">Palatino Linotype</option>";
62 lblFont                                                          += "<option value=\"Times New Roman, Times, serif\">Times New Roman</option>";
63 lblFont                                                          += "<option value=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Verdana</option>";
64 // Size Dropdown
65 var lblSize                                      =  "<option value=\"\">Size</option>";
66 lblSize                                                          += "<option value=\"1\">1</option>";
67 lblSize                                                          += "<option value=\"2\">2</option>";
68 lblSize                                                          += "<option value=\"3\">3</option>";
69 lblSize                                                          += "<option value=\"4\">4</option>";
70 lblSize                                                          += "<option value=\"5\">5</option>";
71 lblSize                                                          += "<option value=\"6\">6</option>";
72 lblSize                                                          += "<option value=\"7\">7</option>";
74 // Alerts
75 var lblErrorPreload      = "Error preloading content.";
76 var lblSearchConfirm     =  "The search expression [SF] was found [RUNCOUNT] time(s).\n\n"; // Leave in [SF], [RUNCOUNT] and [RW]
77 lblSearchConfirm                         += "Are you sure you want to replace these entries with [RW] ?\n";
78 var lblSearchAbort               = "Operation Aborted.";
79 var lblSearchNotFound    = "was not found.";
80 var lblCountTotal            = "Word Count";
81 var lblCountChar             = "Available Characters";
82 var lblCountCharWarn   = "Warning! Your content is too long and may not save correctly.";
84 // Dialogs
85 // Insert Link
86 var lblLinkType                          = "Link Type";
87 var lblLinkOldA                          = "existing anchor";
88 var lblLinkNewA                          = "new anchor";
89 var lblLinkNoA                   = "No Existing Anchors";
90 var lblLinkAnchors               = "Anchors";
91 var lblLinkAddress               = "Address";
92 var lblLinkText                          = "Link Text";
93 var lblLinkOpenIn                        = "Open Link In";
94 var lblLinkVal0        = "Please enter a url.";
95 var lblLinkSubmit                = "OK";
96 var lblLinkCancel                        = "Cancel";
97 // Insert Image
98 var lblImageURL                          = "Image URL";
99 var lblImageAltText              = "Alternative Text";
100 var lblImageBorder               = "Border";
101 var lblImageBorderPx     = "Pixels";
102 var lblImageVal0         = "Please indicate the \"Image URL\".";
103 var lblImageSubmit               = "OK";
104 var lblImageCancel               = "Cancel";
105 // Insert Table
106 var lblTableRows                         = "Rows";
107 var lblTableColumns              = "Columns";
108 var lblTableWidth                = "Table width";
109 var lblTablePx                   = "pixels";
110 var lblTablePercent      = "percent";
111 var lblTableBorder               = "Border thickness";
112 var lblTablePadding              = "Cell padding";
113 var lblTableSpacing              = "Cell spacing";
114 var lblTableSubmit               = "OK";
115 var lblTableCancel               = "Cancel";
116 // Search and Replace
117 var lblSearchFind                        = "Find what";
118 var lblSearchReplace     = "Replace with";
119 var lblSearchMatch     = "Match case";
120 var lblSearchWholeWord = "Find whole words only";
121 var lblSearchVal0                        = "You must enter something into \"Find what:\".";
122 var lblSearchSubmit              = "OK";
123 var lblSearchCancel              = "Cancel";
124 // Paste As Plain Text
125 var lblPasteTextHint   = "Hint: To paste you can either right-click and choose \"Paste\" or use the key combination of Ctrl-V.<br><br>";
126 var lblPasteTextVal0   = "Please enter text."
127 var lblPasteTextSubmit = "OK";
128 var lblPasteTextCancel = "Cancel";
129 // Paste As Plain Text
130 var lblPasteWordHint   = "Hint: To paste you can either right-click and choose \"Paste\" or use the key combination of Ctrl-V.<br><br>";
131 var lblPasteWordVal0   = "Please enter text."
132 var lblPasteWordSubmit = "OK";
133 var lblPasteWordCancel = "Cancel";
136 // non-designMode
137 var lblAutoBR                                    = "Use Auto Line Breaks";
138 var lblRawHTML                           = "Use Only Raw HTML";
139 var lblnon_designMode  = 'To use the Rich Text Editor, a <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/" target="_new">Mozilla 1.3+</a> browser (eg, <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/" target=_new>Firefox</a>) or <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.asp" target="_new">MS IE5+</a> (Windows) are required. Apple Safari, IE5(Mac) and Opera browsers are not currently supported and all text must be in HTML.';