]> SALOME platform Git repositories - tools/siman.git/blob - Workspace/Siman/WebContent/jsp/readContext.jsp
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jQuery UI datepicker is applied to date input fields in the study search form.
[tools/siman.git] / Workspace / Siman / WebContent / jsp / readContext.jsp
1 <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
2     pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"
3 %>
4 <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
6 <s:set name="active" value="%{stepNumber}"/>
7 <s:url id="addcontext" namespace="/study" action="add-context" />
9 <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 class=text>
10   <tr height=2><td></td></tr>
11   <s:iterator value="simulationContexts">
12     <tr height=18>
13       <s:if test="%{writeAccess == 'true' && stepEnabled == 'true' && userRights.canEditSimulationContext()}">
14         <s:set var="sindex" value="%{index}"/>
15         <td width=18>
16           <s:if test="%{stepNumber == #active}">
17           <div id="popctx<s:property value="%{#sindex}"/>" style="position:absolute; display:none; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:10000;" onmouseover="javascript:_mouseOverContext=true;" onmouseout="javascript:_mouseOverContext=false;">
18             <jsp:include page="/jsp/menupopup.jsp"/>
19           </div>
20           <s:a href="popctx%{#sindex}">
21             <img src="<s:url value="/skin/%{editIcon}"/>" onMouseOver=this.src="<s:url value="/skin/icon.ed.png"/>" onMouseOut=this.src="<s:url value="/skin/%{editIcon}"/>" width=14 height=14 border="none" title="<s:text name="tooltip.edit.context"/>"/>
22           </s:a>
23           </s:if>
24           <s:else>
25             <s:if test="%{isApproved()}"><img src="<s:url value="/skin/disabled.APPROVED.png"/>" width=14 height=14 border="none" /></s:if>
26             <s:else><img src="<s:url value="/skin/disabled.state.png"/>" width=14 height=14 border="none" /></s:else>
27           </s:else>
28         </td>
29       </s:if>
30       <td>
31         <b><s:property value="%{typeName}"/>:&nbsp;</b>
32       </td>
33       <td><s:property value="value"/></td>
34     </tr>
35   </s:iterator>
36   <s:if test="%{writeAccess == 'true' && stepEnabled == 'true' && userRights.canEditSimulationContext()}">
37     <tr height=26>
38       <td>
39         <s:a href="%{#addcontext}">
40           <img src="<s:url value="/skin/icon.add.png"/>" onMouseOver=this.src="<s:url value="/skin/icon.addhot.png"/>" onMouseOut=this.src="<s:url value="/skin/icon.add.png"/>" border="none" title="<s:text name="tooltip.addcontext"/>" />
41         </s:a>  
42       </td>
43     </tr>
44   </s:if>
45 </table>