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1 [GlossaryTab]
2 TabCaption=&Glossary
3 TermCaption=&Term
4 DefinitionCaption=&Definition For:
6 [BrowseSequence]
7 PreCaption=Previous
8 PreTooltip=Previous Topic
9 NextCaption=Next
10 NextTooltip=Next Topic
11 BlockTooltip=Select Block
13 [Common]
14 Contents=Contents
15 Index=Index
16 Search=Search
17 Glossary=Glossary
18 Logo/Author=Powered By
19 Show=Show
20 Hide=Hide
21 SyncToc=SyncToc
22 Prev=<<
23 Next=>>
24 Disabled Prev=<<
25 Disabled Next=>>
26 Seperate = |
28 [WebHelp]
29 Cancel=Cancel
30 CantOpenURLorFile=Can't open URL or file
31 CompletingContents=Completing Contents...
32 Display=Display
33 Term=Term:
34 Definition=Definition:
35 Done=Done
36 Find=Find
37 IndexInputPrompt=Type in the keyword to find:
38 RelateTopicListPrompt=Click a topic, then click Display.
39 LoadingData=Loading data, please wait...
40 LoadingContents=Loading contents, please wait...
41 LoadingContentsData=Loading, click here to cancel...
42 LoadingFTS=Reading Search Data...
43 LoadingIndex=Loading Index...
44 LoadingTOCItem=Loading Table of Contents:
45 Searching=Searching...
46 FtsInputPrompt=Type in the word(s) to search for:
47 TopicsFound=Topics Found
48 BrowserLimitedMessage=Your browser does not support frames. We recommend that you update your browser to a version that supports frames.
49 SuggestViewNoFrameMessage=To view the Help system without frames click on this
50 SuggestViewNoFrameMsg2=hyperlink.
51 TopicsNotFound=No Topics Found.
52 CantSearch=Cannot search for that phrase.
53 JS_alert_appletNotLoad = Unable to load applet. If you are using an old version of Netscape, the prefs.js file needs to be edited.
54 JS_alert_colorlimitation=WebHelp has detected that your display is set to 16 colors. For full WebHelp support, please set your display to use 256 or more colors.
55 Blank_topic_text=This topic was created by WinHelp Project Conversion Wizard, and is the destination of a missing topic or broken hyperlink.
56 JS_alert_ProjectLoadingFail=Could not load correctly, please click Refresh.
57 JS_alert_cantLoadProject=Can't load project:
58 JS_alert_ErrorInLoading=Error in Loading navigation component. Please regenerate WebHelp.
59 IndexBtnText=Go
60 FtsBtnText=Go
61 ToolBarSearchBtnText=Go
62 InTopicSearchBtnText=Go
63 SearchLabel=Search
64 SearchPrompt=- Search -
65 PreTooltip=Previous Topic
66 NextTooltip=Next Topic
67 WebSearch=WebSearch
68 SyncTocTooltip=Sync TOC
69 Book=Book
70 Page=Page
71 Remote_Page=Remote Page
72 Show_Navigation_Component=Show Navigation Component
73 Hide_Navigation_Component=Hide Navigation Component
74 nls_edit_label=Type in your question:
75 nls_button_go_hint=Go Search
76 nls_button_go_text=Go
77 nls_body_instruction=Enter your question in the text box above, then click GO.
78 nls_body_empty=Sorry, we were unable to find a good answer for your question.
79 IndexSelectTopicTitle=Select a Topic
80 IndexSelectTopicLabel=Select a topic, then click Display
81 IndexSelectTopicError=Please select a topic.
83 MergeError1=The merged Help system
84 MergeError2=is using a different language from the master Help system, which will cause the index and full-text search functionality to be disabled in the merged Help system.
85 PoweredBy=Powered by
86 GeneratedBy=Generated by
87 Author=Author
88 About=About
89 Print=Print
91 [PrintedDoc]
92 TableOfContents=Table Of Contents
93 TitlePage=Title Page
94 ChapterFileNamePrefix=Chapter_
95 TitlePageFileName=Chapter__Title_Page.doc
96 CrossReferencePrefix=See
97 GlossaryHeadingStyleName=Glossary Heading
98 GlossaryTermStyleName=Glossary Term
99 GlossaryDefinitionStyleName=Glossary Definition
100 TitlePageTitleStyleName=Title Page Title
101 TocPageTitleStyleName=Table of Contents Page Title