]> SALOME platform Git repositories - tools/yacsgen.git/blob - Examples/ast2/myaster/config.txt
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[tools/yacsgen.git] / Examples / ast2 / myaster / config.txt
1 # Copyright (C) 2009-2013  EDF R&D
2 #
3 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
5 # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
6 # version 2.1 of the License.
7 #
8 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # Lesser General Public License for more details.
12 #
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14 # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
16 #
17 # See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
18 #
20 # Configuration file
21 # $Id$
22 # $Name$
23 #
24 # Fields are separated by a " | " (the space is significative)
25 #
26 # Keywords :
27 #  ENV_SH     : environment script (absolute filename or relative to current directory)
28 #  LIB        : archiver
29 #  BIBL       : librairies linked with Code_Aster (with options -L/-l eventually)
30 #  PYTHON     : Python binary
31 #  LINK       : linker command
32 #  OPTL       : linker options
33 #  CC         : C compiler command
34 #  DEFS       : pre-processor #define commands separated by space or comma
35 #               they will be added to all compilation options OPTx_x
36 #  OPTC_D     : C compiler options using DEBUG mode
37 #  OPTC_O     : C compiler options using NODEBUG mode
38 #  INCL       : C include flags
39 #  F77        : Fortran compiler command
40 #  OPTF_D     : Fortran compiler options using DEBUG mode
41 #  OPTF_O     : Fortran compiler options using NODEBUG mode
42 #  INCLF      : Fortran include flags
43 #  F90        : Fortran 90 compiler command
44 #  OPTF90_D   : Fortran 90 compiler options using DEBUG mode
45 #  OPTF90_O   : Fortran 90 compiler options using NODEBUG mode
46 #  INCLF90    : Fortran 90 include flags
47 #  G77_AGLA   : used only for configuration management of EDF version
48 #  SUPERV     : Code_Aster Python packages
49 #  REPPY      : name of 'bibpyt' in the temporary execution directory
50 #  ARGPYT     : main python module
51 #  ARGEXE     : arguments passed to Code_Aster executable
52 #  REPOUT     : tools directory
53 #  MAKE_SURCH_OFFI/MAKE_CAPY_OFFI : Python modules to compiling elements catalogs
54 #  CRP / CRS  : tools to check source files and programming rules
55 #  ID_PERF    : a label to identify a group of machines (use by TEST_TEMPS command)
56 #
57 ID_PERF        | id      | -     | claui2c6
58 #
59 ENV_SH         | env     | -     | /local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/STA10.3/profile.sh
60 #
61 LIB            | ar      | ?     | /usr/bin/ar -rv
62 #
63 BIBL           | python  | 2.4   | -L/local/cchris/pkg/python2.7/install/lib -L/local/cchris/pkg/python2.7/install/lib/python2.7/config -lpython2.7
64 BIBL           | med     | 2.3.5 | -L/local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/public/med-2.3.6/lib -lmed
65 BIBL           | hdf5    | 1.6.5 | -L/local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/public/hdf5-1.6.9/lib -lhdf5
66 BIBL           | zmat    | 8.4   | 
67 BIBL           | mumps   | ?     | /local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/public/mumps-4.9.2/lib/libdmumps.a /local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/public/mumps-4.9.2/lib/libzmumps.a /local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/public/mumps-4.9.2/lib/libsmumps.a /local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/public/mumps-4.9.2/lib/libcmumps.a /local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/public/mumps-4.9.2/lib/libmumps_common.a /local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/public/mumps-4.9.2/lib/libpord.a /local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/public/mumps-4.9.2/lib/libmpiseq.a -L/local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/public/metis-4.0/lib -lmetis
68 BIBL           | scotch  | 4.0   | 
69 BIBL           | math    | ?     | -L/usr/lib -llapack -L/usr/lib -lblas -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.3 -lgfortran
70 BIBL           | mpi     | 2     | 
71 BIBL           | c++     | ?     | -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.3 -lstdc++ -lsupc++
72 BIBL           | sys     | ?     | -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition -Wl,--export-dynamic -ldl -lutil -lm -lpthread -lz
73 BIBL           | salome  | ?     | -L/local/cchris/Salome/Install/KERNEL_V6/lib/salome -lCalciumC -lSalomeDSCSuperv -lSalomeDSCContainer -lSalomeDatastream -lSalomeDSCSupervBasic -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/local/cchris/Salome/Install/KERNEL_V6/lib/salome
74 #
75 DEFS           | defined | ?     | LINUX64 _HAVE_MUMPS _DISABLE_SCOTCH
76 #
77 NOBUILD        | option  | ?     | 
78 #
79 PYTHON         | python  | 2.4   | /local/cchris/Salome/envSalome6/spython/bin/python
80 #
81 LINK           | link    | ?     | /usr/bin/gfortran
82 OPTL           | link    | ?     | -fopenmp
83 #
84 CC             | cc      | ?     | /usr/bin/gcc
85 OPTC_D         | cc      | ?     | -c -g  -fno-stack-protector -fPIC -fopenmp
86 OPTC_O         | cc      | ?     | -c -O2 -fno-stack-protector -fPIC -fopenmp
87 INCL           | include | ?     | -I/local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/STA10.3/bibc/include -I/local/cchris/pkg/python2.7/install/include/python2.7 -I/local/cchris/Salome/envSalome6/spython/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include -I/local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/public/hdf5-1.6.9/include
88 #
89 F77            | f77     | ?     | /usr/bin/gfortran
90 OPTF_D         | f77     | ?     | -c -g  -fPIC  -fopenmp  -fdefault-double-8 -fdefault-integer-8 -fdefault-real-8
91 OPTF_O         | f77     | ?     | -c -O2 -fPIC  -fopenmp  -fdefault-double-8 -fdefault-integer-8 -fdefault-real-8
92 INCLF          | include | ?     | -I/local/cchris/Salome/Install/KERNEL_V6/include/salome
93 #
94 F90            | f90     | ?     | /usr/bin/gfortran
95 OPTF90_D       | f90     | ?     | -c -g  -ffixed-line-length-0 -x f77-cpp-input -fPIC  -fopenmp  -fdefault-double-8 -fdefault-integer-8 -fdefault-real-8
96 OPTF90_O       | f90     | ?     | -c -O2 -ffixed-line-length-0 -x f77-cpp-input -fPIC  -fopenmp  -fdefault-double-8 -fdefault-integer-8 -fdefault-real-8
97 INCLF90        | include | ?     |  -I/local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/STA10.3/bibf90/include_mumps-4.9.2
98 #
99 G77_AGLA       | g77     | ?     | unused
100 #
101 SRCFOR         | src     | 11-04 | bibfor
102 SRCF90         | src     | 11-04 | bibf90
103 SRCFERM        | src     | 11-04 | fermetur
104 SRCC           | src     | 11-04 | bibc
105 SRCPY          | src     | 11-04 | bibpyt
106 SRCCATA        | src     | 11-04 | catalo
107 SRCCAPY        | src     | 11-04 | catapy
108 SRCTEST        | src     | 11-04 | astest
109 SRCMAT         | src     | 11-04 | materiau
110 SRCHIST        | src     | 11-04 | histor
111 #
112 MAKE           | build   | -     | debug nodebug
113 BIN_NODBG      | bin     | 11-04 | asteru
114 BIN_DBG        | bin     | 11-04 | asterd
115 BINCMDE        | bin     | 11-04 | commande
116 BINELE         | bin     | 11-04 | elements
117 BINPICKLED     | bin     | 11-04 | cata_ele.pickled
118 BINLIB_NODBG   | bin     | 11-04 | lib/libaster.a
119 BINLIB_DBG     | bin     | 11-04 | lib/libasterd.a
120 BINLIBF_NODBG  | bin     | 02-05 | lib/libferm.a
121 BINLIBF_DBG    | bin     | 02-05 | lib/libfermd.a
122 BINOBJ_NODBG   | bin     | 11-04 | obj/aster
123 BINOBJF_NODBG  | bin     | 11-04 | obj/ferm
124 BINOBJ_DBG     | bin     | 11-04 | obj/asterd
125 BINOBJF_DBG    | bin     | 11-04 | obj/fermd
126 #
127 REPPY          | exec    | 11-04 | Python
128 ARGPYT         | exec    | 03-02 | Execution/E_SUPERV.py
129 ARGEXE         | exec    | 03-02 | -eficas_path ./Python
130 #
131 MAKE_SURCH_OFFI | build  | 11-04 | Lecture_Cata_Ele/make_surch_offi.py
132 MAKE_CAPY_OFFI  | build  | 11-04 | Lecture_Cata_Ele/make_capy_offi.py
133 #
134 REPOUT         | exec    | 11-04 | /local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/outils
135 REPMAT         | exec    | 02-05 | /local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/STA10.3/materiau
136 REPDEX         | exec    | 02-05 | /local/cchris/Aster/V10.3/aster/STA10.3/datg
137 #
138 SUPERV         | exec    | 03-02 | Accas
139 SUPERV         | exec    | 03-02 | Build
140 SUPERV         | exec    | 03-02 | Comportement
141 SUPERV         | exec    | 03-02 | Execution
142 SUPERV         | exec    | 03-02 | Intranet
143 SUPERV         | exec    | 03-02 | Macro
144 SUPERV         | exec    | 12-06 | Meidee
145 SUPERV         | exec    | 09-06 | Messages
146 SUPERV         | exec    | 03-02 | Noyau
147 SUPERV         | exec    | 05-04 | Outils
148 SUPERV         | exec    | 01-07 | SD
149 SUPERV         | exec    | 01-03 | Stanley
150 SUPERV         | exec    | 03-02 | Utilitai
151 SUPERV         | exec    | 03-02 | Validation
152 #
153 GZIP           | tool    | ?     | ?GZIP?
154 #
155 I18N           | i18n    | -     |