]> SALOME platform Git repositories - tools/solverlab.git/blob - CoreFlows/examples/C/DriftModel_3DCanalCloison.cxx
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[tools/solverlab.git] / CoreFlows / examples / C / DriftModel_3DCanalCloison.cxx
1 #include "DriftModel.hxx"\r
2 \r
3 using namespace std;\r
4 \r
5 int main(int argc, char** argv)\r
6 {\r
7         int spaceDim = 3;\r
8         // Prepare for the mesh\r
9         cout << "Building cartesian mesh" << endl;\r
10         double xinf = 0 ;\r
11         double xsup=2.0;\r
12         double yinf=0.0;\r
13         double ysup=2.0;\r
14         double zinf=0.0;\r
15         double zsup=4.0;\r
16         int nx=10;\r
17         int ny=nx;\r
18         int nz=20;\r
19         double xcloison=(xinf+xsup)/2;\r
20         double ycloison=(yinf+ysup)/2;\r
21         double zcloisonmin=1;\r
22         double zcloisonmax=3;\r
23         Mesh M(xinf,xsup,nx,yinf,ysup,ny,zinf,zsup,nz);\r
24         // set the limit field for each boundary\r
25         double eps=1e-6;\r
26         M.setGroupAtPlan(xsup,0,eps,"wall");\r
27         M.setGroupAtPlan(xinf,0,eps,"wall");\r
28         M.setGroupAtPlan(ysup,1,eps,"wall");\r
29         M.setGroupAtPlan(yinf,1,eps,"wall");\r
30         M.setGroupAtPlan(zsup,2,eps,"outlet");\r
31         M.setGroupAtPlan(zinf,2,eps,"inlet");\r
32         double dx=(xsup-xinf)/nx;\r
33         double dy=(ysup-yinf)/ny;\r
34         double dz=(zsup-zinf)/nz;\r
35         int ncloison=nz*(zcloisonmax-zcloisonmin)/(zsup-zinf);\r
36         int i=0 ;\r
37         int j=0;\r
38         while( i< ncloison){\r
39                 while(j< ny){\r
40                         M.setGroupAtFaceByCoords(xcloison,(j+0.5)*dy,zcloisonmin+(i+0.5)*dz,eps,"wall");\r
41                         M.setGroupAtFaceByCoords((j+0.5)*dx,ycloison,zcloisonmin+(i+0.5)*dz,eps,"wall");\r
42                         j=j+1;\r
43                 }\r
44                 i=i+1;\r
45         }\r
46 \r
47     // set the limit field for each boundary\r
48         double wallVelocityX=0;\r
49         double wallVelocityY=0;\r
50         double wallVelocityZ=0;\r
51         double wallTemperature=573;\r
52         double inletConc=0;\r
53         double inletVelocityX=0;\r
54         double inletVelocityY=0;\r
55         double inletVelocityZ=1;\r
56         double inletTemperature=563;\r
57         double outletPressure=155e5;\r
58 \r
59     // physical constants\r
60         vector<double> gravite = vector<double>(spaceDim,0);\r
61 \r
62         gravite[0]=0;\r
63         gravite[1]=0;\r
64         gravite[2]=-10;\r
65 \r
66         double heatPower1=0;\r
67         double heatPower2=0.25e8;\r
68         double heatPower3=0.5e8;\r
69         double heatPower4=1e8;\r
70 \r
71         DriftModel myProblem = DriftModel(around155bars600K,spaceDim);\r
72         int nVar =myProblem.getNumberOfVariables();\r
73         Field heatPowerField=Field("heatPowerField", CELLS, M, 1);\r
74 \r
75         int nbCells=M.getNumberOfCells();\r
76 \r
77         for (int i=0;i<nbCells;i++){\r
78                 double x=M.getCell(i).x();\r
79                 double y=M.getCell(i).y();\r
80                 double z=M.getCell(i).z();\r
81                 if (z> zcloisonmin && z< zcloisonmax)\r
82                         if (y<ycloison && x<xcloison)\r
83                                 heatPowerField[i]=heatPower1;\r
84                         if (y<ycloison && x>xcloison)\r
85                                 heatPowerField[i]=heatPower2;\r
86                         if (y>ycloison && x<xcloison)\r
87                                 heatPowerField[i]=heatPower3;\r
88                         if (y>ycloison && x>xcloison)\r
89                                 heatPowerField[i]=heatPower4;\r
90                 else\r
91                         heatPowerField[i]=0;\r
92         }\r
93         heatPowerField.writeVTK("heatPowerField",true);\r
94 \r
95     //Prepare for the initial condition\r
96         Vector VV_Constant =Vector(nVar);\r
97 \r
98         // constant vector\r
99         VV_Constant[0] = inletConc ;\r
100         VV_Constant[1] = outletPressure ;\r
101         VV_Constant[2] = inletVelocityX;\r
102         VV_Constant[3] = inletVelocityY;\r
103         VV_Constant[4] = inletVelocityZ;\r
104         VV_Constant[5] = inletTemperature ;\r
105 \r
106     //Initial field creation\r
107         cout<<"Building initial data " <<endl;\r
108         myProblem.setInitialFieldConstant(M,VV_Constant);\r
109 \r
110     // the boundary conditions\r
111         myProblem.setOutletBoundaryCondition("outlet", outletPressure);\r
112         myProblem.setInletBoundaryCondition("inlet", inletTemperature, inletConc, inletVelocityX, inletVelocityY, inletVelocityZ);\r
113         myProblem.setWallBoundaryCondition("wall", wallTemperature, wallVelocityX, wallVelocityY,wallVelocityZ);\r
114 \r
115         // set physical parameters\r
116         myProblem.setHeatPowerField(heatPowerField);\r
117         myProblem.setGravity(gravite);\r
118 \r
119         // set the numerical method\r
120         myProblem.setNumericalScheme(upwind, Explicit);\r
121         myProblem.setWellBalancedCorrection(false);\r
122 \r
123         // name file save\r
124         string fileName = "3DCanalCloison";\r
125 \r
126         // parameters calculation\r
127         unsigned MaxNbOfTimeStep = 3;\r
128         int freqSave = 1;\r
129         double cfl = 0.3;\r
130         double maxTime = 5;\r
131         double precision = 1e-6;\r
132 \r
133         myProblem.setCFL(cfl);\r
134         myProblem.setPrecision(precision);\r
135         myProblem.setMaxNbOfTimeStep(MaxNbOfTimeStep);\r
136         myProblem.setTimeMax(maxTime);\r
137         myProblem.setFreqSave(freqSave);\r
138         myProblem.setFileName(fileName);\r
139         myProblem.setNewtonSolver(precision,20);\r
140         myProblem.saveVelocity();\r
141 \r
142         // evolution\r
143         myProblem.initialize();\r
144 \r
145         bool ok = myProblem.run();\r
146         if (ok)\r
147                 cout << "Simulation "<<fileName<<" is successful !" << endl;\r
148         else\r
149                 cout << "Simulation "<<fileName<<"  failed ! " << endl;\r
150 \r
151         cout << "------------ End of calculation !!! -----------" << endl;\r
152         myProblem.terminate();\r
153 \r
154         return EXIT_SUCCESS;\r
155 }\r